Findet ihr 2,03 Euro für Bildung angemessen?
Bürgergeldler bekommen für Bildung 2,03€ pro Monat (s. Diagramm kleinste Fläche). Findet ihr das für ein so extrem reiches Land wie Deutschland angemessen?
Bürgergeldler bekommen für Bildung 2,03€ pro Monat (s. Diagramm kleinste Fläche). Findet ihr das für ein so extrem reiches Land wie Deutschland angemessen?
Findet ihr das Gehalt sehr viel, gut oder normal? Firmenwagen ist bei 2293€ netto bereits abgezogen und darf voll umfänglich inkl. Tanken privat genutzt werden. Auto ist im unteren Mittelklasse Segment. VW Golf GTI. Für einen 26 Jährigen Kinderlosen ledigen in Lohnsteuerklasse 1 mit 40Std. Qualifikation: Mittlere Reife + Industriekaufmann Lehre 2,5 Jahre, 7 Jahre…
Lohnt es sich eher, Arabisch mit Dialekt zu lernen oder Hocharabisch zu lernen und warum?
Wenn man nur seine Immobilien bei der Bank zeigt und 1.500.000 Euro Kredit bei der Bank beantragt bekommt man es einfach? Und nebenbei Mieten einnimmt
Habe ab Janaur einen neuen Job. Verdiene dort den o.g Betrag als Vollzeit Angestellter. Ist das ok oder zu wenig?
In NRW, ohne Angestellte und ohne Abi. Wieviel verdient man da Brutto/netto ca.?
It is very important in my eyes to what is being done under it. Someone who is trying to get him to work usually has the opportunity to get extra money or the opportunity to take part in measures via the job center to get support for this project.
If the person wants to make a special course, which is purely for the ‘private pleasure’ and which costs, then you have to try to save elsewhere (if this does not fall under leisure/ entertainment/culture). For example, in the ‘bakware’ also priced.
Yes – if you look at it in the overall context that is ignored in this representation.
There are dozens of further funding opportunities for educational opportunities – e.g. promotion and training grants, promotion and pupil BAföG, vocational training aid, measures on the job center…
I do not see a need to finance education – whatever you want to define it – in addition to public money.
Are you seriously trying to sell the bullshit that the Jobcenter is trying to make for education?
There are many, free or very cost-effective educational opportunities, precisely because we are such a rich country, e.g. Loan libraries in every city!
If a further offer is to be accepted every few months beyond “free time and culture”, the average will only be a small amount.
In addition, if further training courses are to be used, they are eligible for funding.
Yes, they can dispense with tobacco products and alcohol and invest in education.
And schooling is free of charge, but also free of charge
The amount is an absolute joke and a reconciliation of the social assistance recipients. This is also the reason why there are constantly questions about the amount of education in the shopping cart of poverty (better word as “civil money”).
In any case, it is enough to spend it in other ways
All other things they get (see diagram other area!) …
I just don’t know where the boundaries are.
In addition, one should finally conclude with the rumor of the rich Germany. It’s been a long time.
Germany is only the third largest economic power in the world.
Should be deleted at 0 Euros.
Professional training opportunities to get to the labour market are available to every citizen free of charge or are paid by the state anyway. And when you first work, you can prove as many visual courses as you think it is right (in the context of the budget) – from your own money.
Just as various other parts of the public money (e.g. leisure/ entertainment/culture) should be deleted.
I cannot understand why this should be financed at the expense of the working population.
I’d rather be for tobacco.
That anyway. It is usually combined in a pot with food. It is also funny that, in my knowledge, also in children money for alcohol and tobacco products is included xD At least at Hartz-IV times it was still so…
Children are simply calculated as a certain percentage of an adult (depending on age, 30% or so). And if alcohol and tabk are included in an adult, then children still have money (corresponding to 30% of this amount) for alcohol/tobacco… The whole system is quite absurd.
If you want to buy a smart newspaper, you’ll pay more.
Germany is not “extremely rich”.
You can see the supplies of weapons for the Ukraine regime. Also, how much managers and politicians deserve.
DE is only on place 4 of the world
2022 we were 4th place:
Which arms are to be supported? Everyone who goes there?
Not even that, more place 10
And who are the poor for you? For me, it’s pensioners who can’t live by their pension, yes they need more money.
Yes, not only Germany is rich and not only Germany is wasting money instead of supporting the poor.
Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages are more important
Since education in Germany is free anyway.
Nothing is free
For the State and the taxpayer not, for the citizen’s benefit.
I would not recommend mechanical engineering to study now without having, for example, the “Hoischer” (standard technical drawing). And you will also have to add a few books to each other, need some copies that no one pays you or other “small things”. For people with more money of course peanuts, but not for social assistance recipients.
He gets her borrowed in the library for free. You don’t have to possess everything to learn
Well, if the civic student needs books for learning, he will not be able to spend so much in the areas of leisure and entertainment. Apart from the fact that citizens’ money can use almost free of charge any library.
Didn’t know how to get the civic books in the bookstore for free
Education is largely free of charge in Germany. It also finances all the state. So the bill is not true.
who receive every cure anyway
I cannot pay a course in the VHS