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Yes ———> because an expensive new car as a starter makes absolutely no sense! I’m sure you’ll despise him sometime. In addition, a new car of safety & comfort is not flat-rate worse than a good, 10 years old used car from reputable property & with well maintained technology!
My 20-year-old Audi 100 also met the basic idea of a car to be reliably mobile.
to the car. denk also, n car costs in maintenance. if you buy for 17,000 then n old car, which has quite good performance (with 18 eh stupid), then also have higher costs for petrol, tax, insurance – and finally (depending on age) also wear parts.
so maybe at the beginning a little for the half….
With 18 as a starter, it’s likely to get a dent in. With a correspondingly expensive and probably also modern car, I am not only annoyed by it, also replacements are likely to be very expensive.
Better what older and cheaper. For 3000€ you already get very good cars that also have a few comfort outfits.
For a first car I had the choice between a Opel P4 and a BMW Isetta. I chose the latter, because the Opel P4 was too old. The shutdown was only possible with intermediate gas.
A little experience from me, then you can give the answer yourself. Among other things, I worked with a well-known supplier of the automotive industry. We had an intern for the first time. A colleague knew her and her parents and therefore asked her what she was driving for a car. She showed him out of the window her car and the colleague just meant if her father didn’t donate better than a grate. You know, you should have heard her father when she asked for a car. The answer was that she had a short driving licence, first had to collect driving practice and therefore she could choose a car at the bottom of the corner. Later you can talk about a better vehicle. Well, there in the corner were old, but still ready-to-run cars.
And now the most important thing about her father: he is the boss and owner of a rather big car house and car tuner.
If you can afford €17000 (or Mr Papa) why not. You shouldn’t be like one of my schoolmates. He got a brand new sports car for the Abi from the wealthy Mr Papa. 3 weeks later the car had total damage – and the driver also.
I would recommend a neat small car for around 5,000 €. You can put the rest aside and invest in the next vehicle if you have more driving practice.
For example, you pay €1200 a month, €17,000 is damned a lot.
For example, if you pay €12 000 or more a month, €17 000 is a joke.
Never buy yourself an already used expensive car because you still have to follow up costs due to accidents, tanacs etc. Inquiries
This depends on your financial possibilities.
My first was more expensive.
So if you have the money, why not.
Am 19 and drive an M3 e92 from 2012 17K is a bit deep, don’t you think?
Looks good to have decided to 18 between a Gallardo and an F430
I had to decide between the Bugatti Veyron and the Mclaren P1!
Odd this envy, you see yourself in hell;)
you had to decide what your parents were pushing you into the ash. So keep out when people talk about IHRE cars the SIE SELBST KAUFEN.
B*tch pls…
Dude… I’d say too much. What is important is: How much PS does the car have? Especially as a beginner you underestimate this and put your car quite fast against a wall!
Don’t get that expensive car as a beginner…you’re driving in…
If you can afford it, why not this is mine
Which one is that?
Fiat Multipla
As long as it’s not a VW. What kind of BMW is that?
Yes you bonze, I got vw polo for 2500 euro
And bad luck, someone drives a Tata Nano so cheer you