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They’re just people who do their job or hobby.
People who find programmers cool probably look too many Hollywood movies.
We don’t just flap on the keyboard and a divine line stream flows through our fingers.
Most people have enough education after 10 years of school and 2 years of training. A programmer spends a large part of his lifetime learning with it.
Sure, no question programmers are peachy guys and can do some of what most people only dream about.and I love the work …but in a cozy round it is certainly nothing that can/should be excessively parable.
It’s best not to mention what you do… most understand after 5 minutes anyway only station…
Maurers are cool. They only need 21 things: A box of beer and a BILD newspaper…😅
It’s hard to say. I know some very cool programmers and others who have probably never seen daylight before. Hocken 24/7 on their computers instead of having social contacts. So both sides 🙂
PS: I am one of the cool strain😎
My fellow students at university are the biggest crackheads and at work they are also funny. (Dual study)
That’s what happens when the normal day of work stops.
I’m a programmer (mainly since 1987), but I don’t think I’m very cool. 😉
Of course I’m a cool type. 😎😎😎
Developer since 1984
No, they have my experience of their problems. They think it’s cool, though it’s just a thing to program. All others find it boring. Is ́ similar to with accountants, financial officers, etc.
You’re confusing programmers with Nerds or freaks….
If you were sitting in the beer garden with me on Sunday, you probably wouldn’t even get the idea that I could be a programmer.
That is why the topic in dealing with “normal mortal” is taboo…
A professional exchange of thoughts has nothing “cooles” … You know at eye level… At best, one pays tribute to an evocative idea until it turns out in the course of the further discussion that the thing then has its falling knits…
As a rule, the “ding among programmers” consists of mutual control, correction, criticism…. and thereby bursts super idea like a soap bubble… 😤 Betterwisser …. and the team assembled…😳
Chilly profession and I like the community or this “Programmer bubble”
I know a programmer and find him cool!
Programmers are not cool…. they are magicians! Only programmers can turn coffee into code.
This is – more precise – alchemy. ;
No, it must be cool first.