find nur ich es unangenehm wenn man seine putzfrau putzfee nennt?
finds richtig unangebracht
finds richtig unangebracht
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Hallo zusammen, Ich spiele in einer Mädelsmannschaft.Seit kurzem Duschen wir auch alle.Es duscht auch jeder mit.Nun hab ich bei unserem nächsten Spiel mein Tage.Ich kann kein Tampon benutzen,aber jeder duscht halt immer.Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das ich trotzdem irgendwie duschen kann.Wäre so dankbar über Tipps.Merkt man das wenn man Periodenunterwäsche frisch anhat,duscht und dann direkt…
Sind Binden ohne Flügel auch gut also läuft an der Seite was raus oder halten die genau wie die mit Wings?
We also have a cleaning lady for the stairwell, and I also say cleaning.
I think that’s a very friendly word.
I often hear from other people: “my plaster” .
And I feel that a negative word.
What would we be without the people who clean up everywhere : I am thinking, for example, only of the hard cleaning women we have in schools. 😊 NO, FOR MICH IS “PUTZFEE” A FAST LOVE NAME FOR A TOLLE, FLEE PUTZFRAU.
We have always called our cleaning power “clean fairy”.
I find it very bad when someone says “Putze”. “Putzfee” sounds better for me than “Putzfee”.
No.I think that’s a nice term.When I call someone something with -fee at the end, that’s sweet in my eyes because I just positively associate it.
I don’t think this name is so great. At least I wouldn’t like to be called that. I think it’s worth the job because it sounds like it’s not a real job.
I don’t like cleaning or cleaning. I also generally do not like the word “putting” (whether someone else does that for me or myself). That sounds kind of low-acting, as I think. (But I don’t raise my personal taste question.)
lg up
On the contrary. It’s a compliment.
Quote Wikipedia: “…WortFeedenotes a kind of supernatural beingArtandReligion. Under a fairy today often becomes a beautiful,magicala gifted woman understood…”
A little cleaning can be done. Bringing the apartment to sparkle is magic.
No. It’s a different expression. Actually, it would have to be cleaning power
Inappropriately I find it also whether it is unpleasant, only the data subject will be able to judge.
I would, of course, call her by her name.
If I’d talk about her, I wouldn’t have anything against the use of the turkey. For me, a fairy is a very positive term.
I think that’s humiliating for those.
We should always talk about other people esteemingly:
Why not cleansing power /-dame?
I don’t think it’s even worth it…
I’m not necessarily.
Sounds appreciative and value-estimating. 🤷
It’s laughing.
She’s paid decently, right?
Ergo is her job. And Fee’s not exactly an insult right now. Ergo everything okay
I’m still inappropriate. I’d use cleaning power.
Putzfee has a certain charm in contrast to “Putzfrau” and contains far more appreciation.
A fairy always stands for what good
definitely sounds much better than “Putzfrau”.
I don’t think that’s a bad name. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
The plaster 😀
I don’t care