Finanztransaktionssteuer einführen?
Kann die Finanztransaktionssteuer von 0,1% auf alle Aktien, Anleihen und Derivate umgangen werden, wenn sie in Deutschland eingeführt wird? Zum Beispiel indem die Wertpapiere an ausländischen Börsen gehandelt werden? Das kann man ja vermeiden indem man sagt alle deutschen Wertpapiere müssen in Deutschland gehandelt werden.
This depends on how it is regulated. It can be that you can act elsewhere. However, it could also be that they will commit you to take them off later when you trade abroad.
Note: The financial transaction tax is a CONSUMENT tax. Because no matter where it is raised, it is always put on the product to the consumer.
This is especially true for the commodity markets. You are the price risk insurance market, so on every single product you need: oil is your fuel filling, wheat is your bread, copper are your building market purchases uvam.
All this will be more expensive if we tax the commodity markets behind it. This tax does not pay “pure funds”!! You and I pay them.
There will always be loopholes, but that doesn’t change that the mass will not use them. 0.1% are now nothing for which you want to register for foreign banks and then, for example, also the stress that you have to tax the profits yourself. In the case of a few banks, you have the ten-fold order fee, so 0.1% really do not hurt.
I support such a tax.