Finanzierung Autokauf beim Händler?

Ich rede von privaten Autohändlern (also nicht von Autohäusern von Mercedes oder Skoda)

Die Gebrauchtwagen die dort angeboten werden kann man auch über eine Finanzierung kaufen. Wie läuft das ab? Zahlt man dann an den Besitzer vom Autohaus ?

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2 years ago

Such a trader usually has a bank with which he works and over which the financing runs. However, it does not necessarily have to be the best financing alternative. Evtl has its own home bank better terms and you can pay the dealer cash and have a better interest rate

2 years ago

There are no private dealers.

Every car dealer is a trader.

Each car dealer also offers financing services, e.g. via the Santanderbank.

No, hardly a dealer financed from his own pocket. If then maybe for 3 months.

2 years ago

It’s over a bank. This works with the dealer

2 years ago

I’m talking about private car dealers…

There are no “private car dealers”.

They are all Commercial active, but brand-independent.

2 years ago

A bank finances the loan, you pay it to the bank.