Finanzielle Unterstützung?
Hallo, ich mache gerade eine Ausbildung und möchte von meine eltern ausziehen mit meine freundin, meine freundin ist momentan arbeitslos wegen Gesundheitliche Gründen. Die frage ist welche finanziellen Unterstützungen können wir bekommen?
Depending on the type of training, BAB – vocational training aid in initial training would be considered by the Employment Agency or by Bafög – from the Bafög Office.
Free computers can be found on the Internet.
Under 25 you will have the child’s money of currently 250 euros if you don’t min from your parents. Included in child allowances.
Your parents are obligated to support you, they are not capable of performance, depending on training, BAB or BAföG.
Residential or, if necessary, increasing civil money.
You have to contact your parents.
They also have financial problems, that is the problem
You must stay at home.