Expand your financial options?
Hello everyone,
I live in Germany and work in Luxembourg (cross-border commuter). I'm a trained landscape gardener and currently don't see any financial advancement opportunities. I have a truck driving license and a chainsaw license, but I can't get close to €3,000 a month. However, I'd like to earn around €3,500 net to feel comfortable. My boss says that after a few years of professional experience, I could be a construction site manager, but even then, the jump isn't that big. So, the whole career doesn't make sense for me at the moment, as I have financial goals (house, lifestyle, etc.). That's why I'm willing to explore completely different paths. I just don't know which paths will lead to the future, ideally without a degree and giving me the opportunity for advancement.
My wife is a nurse and climbs in Luxembourg every year. That would be an option for me. I've also seen that professional divers/professional climbers can earn good money, but they sometimes have to pay for training themselves up front. Perhaps someone has ideas on how I can improve without having to put in 200 hours a month, but rather simply increase my normal hourly wage. I'm not above anything; I'm physically and mentally resilient. It would just be nice if the training/further education or whatever could be financed somehow and if it was also a career that would allow me to improve significantly (minimum €3,500 net, more is welcome).
I know others can get by with less. But I think it's better to earn more than to go without more. So please only give me tips that actually address that. Thank you.
You’ve got a learned job in which you usually deserve. If you change now, you’ll be ANFÄNGER again and don’t come to 3,000 €