Finanzamt hat unter Androhung von Geldstrafe Steuererklärung für 2021 angefordert, obwohl ich nicht gearbeitet habe. Muss ich jetzt trotzdem eine abgeben?

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1 year ago

Did you have income from self-employed work, rental income or similar or from non-self-employed work in the years you worked? Speak you were an employee in a company?

If you were only an employee/commercial without ancillary income, you are not obliged to surrender a tax return, at least not if you are not married. There are other rules for spouses.

The often widespread statement, who once issued a tax return, must always give one is wrong if someone should say that.

1 year ago
Reply to  LotusBlossom13

Call the tax office and explain the situation. Maybe that’s enough to clarify the matter.

1 year ago
Reply to  LotusBlossom13

Call the tax office and explain the situation. If you had a business in 2014, a tax return would have occurred in 2014, but not for 2021. Maybe the tax office thinks you still have it.

1 year ago

Under threat of forced money and delays, but certainly not with punishment

If a duty obligation existed in 2021, a tax return must also be made.

The basic obligation to issue the tax return iSd §§25 and 46 EStG and 56 EStDV is as follows:

  • Benefits over 410€ (parent money, short-time work, sick pay etc pp.)
  • Earnings without tax deduction over 410€
  • Job in tax class 6
  • Precautionary allowance higher than actual values (Occupied people like to tap into this case
  • If tax class combination 3/5 and both pay receive
  • If allowances are entered in the ElStAM
  • if you so. 5th rule was applied (disclosures)
  • When marriage ends and a new one is closed in the same year
  • there is a loss report
  • capital income without tax deduction
  • There is a call from the tax office
1 year ago
Reply to  LotusBlossom13

If you do not have a duty obligation, you should not give it, if necessary you should ask the FA.

Is your business off?

1 year ago

That’s not a thing, that’s a letter

Just Google your FA and see how the mail address is.

Alternative via

1 year ago

Brief mail to the FA, subject matter, and so please inform you if a duty obligation would continue to exist.

1 year ago

If you do not, or if the tax office does not know that you have no taxable income, the tax office will appreciate your income. You don’t want to….

1 year ago
Reply to  archibaldesel

And on what basis should something be appreciated?!

1 year ago
Reply to  anTTraXX

If there is no tax return, the tax authority may estimate the income if it cannot determine or calculate the tax bases. This is usually the case if the taxable person does not deliver the tax return within the time limit and does not provide any information at the request of the tax office.

In the estimation of income, the tax office takes into account various factors such as:

  • Vocational training and income
  • The amount of assets
  • The living conditions of the taxable person
  • The income ratios of comparable persons

The estimation of income must be coherent, economic and reasonable. The Treasury must state how it has come to the estimated level of income.

The estimate of income can lead to a higher tax burden than the actual level of income. This is because the tax office usually adds a security supplement.

The taxable person may object to the estimate of the income. In this case, the estimate is reviewed by the tax office.

Here are some examples of how the tax office can estimate income:

  • Employees: The tax authority may determine the level of income from the employer’s wage tax deduction characteristics. If these data are not available, the tax authority may estimate the level of income from comparable activities.
  • Self-employed: The tax authority may estimate the amount of income from income and expenditure of self-employed activity. If these data are not available, the tax authority may estimate the level of income from comparable activities.
  • Pensioners: The tax authority may determine the amount of income from pension and other income. If these data are not available, the tax office may estimate the level of income from comparable pensions.

The legal basis for the estimation of income by the tax office is § 162 of the tax system (AO). This paragraph states that the financial authority may estimate the tax bases if and insofar as it cannot determine or calculate them.

The estimate of income is an instrument of financial management to ensure taxation even if the taxable person does not fulfil his duties. The estimate must be coherent, economical and reasonable. The Treasury must state how it has come to the estimated level of income.

1 year ago

You can naturally spread populist bullshit and show that you have no idea defakto.

The letter sent to the FS and the worker does not even know that there is this until he would explicitly look at this tax citizen.

So if you include the FS statements, there is no need. Neither was paid in the VAZ wage nor income that did not fall under the tax deduction. Only and only progression income has flowed. This does not yet require a duty and does not lead to any tax.

Now, if I were to be a worker, I would simply add income, although these have not been proven to have flown, I will not only commit a service failure, no I will even do some avoidable work to bend this nonsense again.

On the other hand, an estimate of a 0815 case does not take 5 minutes and does not present the average tax officer before burnout symptoms. It has nothing to do with effort or laziness if you don’t appreciate tax citizens.

But hey’s main thing populist garbage dumps and say financial officers are lazy.

1 year ago

I know that work and tax office is an Oximoron. But that is, of course, a conflict of objectives. I don’t want to do anything because it’s involved with effort or people are annoying. Hard to dissolve. Sounds like you’re in the case of doing nothing.

1 year ago

You don’t need to explain my work to me, but you’ve copied it fine.

According to the FS, there is no basis that could be appreciated, so there is probably nothing to be appreciated. The FA cannot simply imagine such commercial income or invent any wage.

1 year ago
