Fimoskulptur erkennbar?
Liebe Leute, zu einem Geburtstag möchte ich gerne die angehängte Fimo-Figur verschenken. Ist die von mir dargestellte Figur erkennbar? Es soll einen Teelichterhalter darstellen. Ich möchte mich ungern lächerlich machen und danke für eure ehrliche Meinung.
All right, I’ll see that star bird. Evtl. can you paint this thing or stick so little glitter thinger a la skyscraper from Nebra? Looks more beautiful when the flame illuminates it.
It reminded me of a spirit 🙂 but I also think it would be nice, but I would still decorate it : for example, you could stick the point with glowing uhu glue then it also shines in the dark *-*
Before I have an opinion on this, it would be good to know if it is. It plays a big role whether it is for example for your parents, friends or acquaintances. 😊
– Yes?
Until I read what it’s supposed to be, I thought it was the Genkidama that’s going on any planet.
But as Otaku, I also have a superb imagination.
Don’t worry. A tealight still fits!
…you asked for an honest opinion! 😓
Edit: I can’t do it better. Art – no matter what form – is not my case.
Fimo is the modeling compound =)
Yeah, I know. Still thanks
Still has something to do with creativity lol And art has almost 80% to do with creativity. Whether it’s painting or modeling…
Now I am confused myself;-; Sry Mache just 5dinge at the same time.
No matter what, I’m an art fan. Fact
We only have a completely different perspective…
Sure. What was given with love….
Vllt. it is only not recognizable for us, because we do not know the figure it should represent.
Jaaaahh there you go.
No but otherwise…the person would surely be happy about something self-made…whether you can see what it should be – or not ^^
And it definitely fulfills the desired effect.
hard patch of this Bekini bottum.
Right… with bullet holes.
I was thinking about Patrick Star.
But no matter how long I stare at it. It remains ne Genkidama
I’m sorry XD
Oh. I thought you understood that this “Fimo” should be what it should be.
I can’t see anything in the best will….