Filterprobleme: Wie lerne ich Lippenlesen und wie kommuniziere ich anderen Menschen, wenn ich den Mund nicht sehe?


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3 months ago

Theoretically, almost every person does a piece of lip reading, although subconscious.

Especially in a quiet environment or when someone speaks very quietly, the brain often uses it subconsciously as additional support.

As a hard-hearted or deaf person, in these situations, of course, you need much more.

I am even hard-hearted and notice that if someone is hard to understand or it is very loud around me that I additionally focus on the mouth movements and that also helps me understand the others better. In very difficult acoustic sound atmospheres (e.g. in extremely loud music), I would sometimes hardly understand anything without lip reading.

The brain naturally trains lip reading more strongly if you are more common in noise situations that demand this accordingly.

If you want to train it in a targeted way, you can also concentrate on the mouth movements of the other one and you can see that with time you can see more and more words from the mouth, even when in the beginning simple words often occur like “Hello” or “Thank you”.

We also made a quiz with schoolmates, where you had to guess Christmas songs without sound, only with the mouth movements. This has also been quite good for normal listeners, as the texts are often repeated in the refrain.