Watch a movie for free?
I found out today that a movie called "Weltstadt" was filmed in my town (Beeskow, Brandenburg). Can someone help me and tell me how I can watch this film for free?
thanks in advance
I found out today that a movie called "Weltstadt" was filmed in my town (Beeskow, Brandenburg). Can someone help me and tell me how I can watch this film for free?
thanks in advance
In Episode 4, the fight against Obi-Wan Kenobi feels sluggish compared to the new films. No spoilers please.
I, (m 12), watched Scream 5 on my own when I was 11 and found it a bit scary but okay. I started Scream 6 with my 16 sister, who has already watched Smile and Conjuring and the like. I haven't finished the film but I can't see the murders. The wounds aren't a problem,…
and every year it repeats itself again and again
Hi, I'm 11 and would like to watch more movies, and I wanted to know what you recommend. I've already watched Zombieland 1 and 2, Zucker and Dale vs. Evil, the six Scream movies, and similar ones. Do you have any other suggestions for what fits the horror/slasher/comedy genre (I can handle a lot, actually)?…
The middle one, in particular, seems somehow familiar. I can't remember where I've seen it before, though. The picture, by the way, is from a short, just-second-long scene in "Uncle Buck," during which Miles "interviews" Buck's girlfriend through the mail slot.
You can’t stream the movie anywhere at the moment, so neither free nor charge it.