Fieber Thermometer?
Also habe vorhin mein Fieber gemessen und mein Thermometer hat “Lo“ angezeigt, dachte es wäre kaputt aber habe dann zur Überprüfung es bei meinem Vater angewandt und es hat normal funktioniert. Hab danach kurz gewartet und wieder gemessen und es stand 34,4 Grad bei mir. Woran könnte es liegen, dass meine Körpertemperatur so niedrig ist?
Forehead measurement it is necessary to note that the most affected by external factors.
It could be that your father’s longer stay in another room compared to you bring different measurement results.
Miss again in the ear, this is the most reliable in addition to measuring with rod thermometers in the popo.
Thanks for the info
Did you measure the forehead? Take another place, e.g. axle cavity.
Yeah, shouldn’t you measure at the forehead?
You can knock the forehead thermometer into the ton. Absolutely unreliable. Serves at most as a children’s toy. measured me at the station in the hospital with such a nem thing. 1 measurement as with you “Low”, 2 measurement, far above 40°C, (I would no longer live if that had been voted), and that within 1 minute and I measured by professional because of temperature.
In the ear correctly applied it is OK (if you can measure in the ear). But you can forget Strin completely.
So it shouldn’t be that bad. Especially when much too much is measured, this is more about nem shredded device than the measuring method. We’d go around with a Fluke thermal imaging camera when I had Corona. From three meters to the forehead. The difference between healthy (33.6°C+3Grad=36.6°C) and me (37.5°C+3Grad=39.5°C).
Thanks for the info