Ficus Benjamina umtopfen?
Ich glaube mein Ficus hat Wurzelfäule-..
Ich will ihn deshalb in einem kleineren Topf umtopfen und die toten Wurzeln entfernen. 🙂
NUN frage ich mich welches Substrat die mögen. Ich bin eher ein Monstera Mensch darum sagt mir mein traurige buschiger Ficus nicht viel aus 🙁
Vielleicht kennt ihr euch ja aus?
Hmmm! I had not only one Ficus Benjamini for years, but unfortunately everyone got something, mostly location-related.
You might have poured too much for root rot?
In order to get the root rot completely away, the earth must first be removed from the roots in order to be able to cut them properly. This is a lot of work – with the risk that the stress will increase your Ficus.
But you could try.
Instead of stuffing it completely, I recommend exchanging something from the lateral layers of the earth and supplementing it with organic flower earth; there you have a chance that no eggs or larvae of grief mosquitoes are located in it. These larvae are those who, if you always pour from above, can multiply and eat the roots.
Hunger them out by simply watering the Ficus from below directly into the overpot. He gets what he needs of moisture – and m. W. isn’t too much (more than).
In addition, I would cut off some beautiful branches and reroot. For Ableger is now the right time!
Sometimes spray the leaves or, as now : put in the rain for a short time (here a suitable cast has just fallen! ðŸ ̃‚) so that the whole dust is washed off.
I’m happy to help you!
☆ Thank you for the star 🌟 🌟