Fiat panda 169 verbraucht viel sprit?

hallo der fiat panda 169 meiner mutter verbraucht viel sprit. Verlieren tut er aber nichts. Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte weil ich wollte jetzt mal fragen weil meine mutter gerade keine zeit hat um es zur Werkstatt zu bringen. Danke schonmal im vorraus.

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2 years ago

That can have many reasons. It is also possible that everything is still within the framework.

You can’t say anything with your extremely spicy information.

2 years ago

This is very peculiar, because the entire engine parameters are fixed invariably in the control unit.

The first thing I thought was

  • defective temperature sensor, thereby “thinks” the control device that the engine is permanently in the cold run although it is longitudinally warm; the control unit then gives more fuel than necessary in the combustion chambers (then it would have to run badly when it is warm and easily restart)
  • Problems with the ignition system, i.e. spark plug, ignition coils
  • AGR (exhaust recirculation)valve defective, the things are often blocked with soot/thickness
2 years ago

And how big is “a filling”? The indication is worthless because hardly one drives his car until it remains due to a lack of fuel.

What engine and gear does the car have? How is the car moved, more sporty or slow/saving? Shares City/Land/AB? On the highway what speed? Engine control light or other control lamps? Unusual engine run?

2 years ago


Much too little Information

Tank content, engine, maintenance condition, km stand, last service, driving style, year of construction etc.

Don’t want to guess.

Drive too friendly.


2 years ago


high fuel consumption can have many causes.

This is a difficult one to answer.

Heavy wheels are just one of many possibilities. By blocking the wheels, the motor needs more force to be able to move them. Ergo uses more fuel.

In this case, you will not get around a walk to the (special) workshop.


2 years ago

Which means a lot of fuel. Between 5.5 l/100km is normal, depending on the driving mode.