Feuerzeug hinter Lankrad, was tun?
Mir ist eben mein Feuerzeug hinter das Lenkrad in diesen Schlitz auf dem Bild gerutscht. Wie bekomme ich das da wieder raus?
Mir ist eben mein Feuerzeug hinter das Lenkrad in diesen Schlitz auf dem Bild gerutscht. Wie bekomme ich das da wieder raus?
,Hallo, ich bin 20 und fahre ein Mercedes C250 CDI 2016, und bin am überlegen mir für den Winter ein BMW e36 Benziner zu holen. So bis 100-130ps und auf den Mercedes dann auf saison Kennzeichen und den BMW auch. Wäre das nicht Billiger als mit den Mercedes? Der Mercedes ist noch 3 Jahre auf…
Frage aus reinem Interesse :))
Moinsen, habe vor kurzem an meinem Auto einen Frontsplitter verbaut. Sind die Halterungen die aussehen wie so stifte eigentlich erlaubt? Braucht man da wieder den ganzen ABE-Schwachsinn ? Bitte nur richtige antworten, werd in den ganzen Foren verrückt mit den ganzen mimimi 😅😂
Vectra C?
that I think I screwed 2 times and then you can carefully leverage the upper panel.
You just need to turn the steering wheel, then you see the screws from the cladding
it’s about behind the tacho, it doesn’t help me screw around the steering wheel
You don’t screw the wheel, you can’t do that because of the airbag
it is the plastic panel the rear steering wheel and goes over the levers
Yes well then you will not get it out
I mean, I had it open, but there was no lighter
Remove handlebar switch with suitable tool (or without). Then given case, more disguises.
Screw the lower part of the cladding, then it probably falls against you
from the outside left and right at the wheel run the car up and down, so to shake and wipe… then it usually slips out…
or keep a lot of terrain, that the car is shaking back and forth and so. Or headstone pavement…
or just wait…. if you’re all too disturbed, workshop, cut off steering wheel, disguise… then it’ll fall out…
“if you’re all too disturbed, workshop, steering wheel, dismantling…” I think it’s enough to disassemble the disguise.
Do you seriously believe that the lighter is through the narrow rubber sleeve and can now be reached through the wheel race? 😀
No, that’s not what it meant. but it usually falls through shaking and shaking and wanking out on the vehicle again.
therefore my tip because I already had it, not lighter, but small e-zigarette.
On the outside of the front wing, roll up the car, so I meant that.
Don’t shake at the steering wheel, the airbag will bang you.
Look in the footroom or put yourself in the footroom and look up. Your lighter’s going around somewhere.
Try fishing it out with a wire.
after stretch where it lies exactly and then look what is suitable, wire, pointed pliers etc.
Workshop helps
Smoking is unhealthy
He’s a pyromane, and he wanted to light a fuzz and not smoke…
or… flare off a climate activist by means of the lighter from the road
OH You will not be against climate activists!?
if this is so, please give the man a new lighter