Feuerwerk für die nächsten Jahre lagern?
Ist es schlau für die Zukunft Feuerwerk zu lagern, falls der verkauf verboten wird?
Ich hatte nämlich die Idee Feuerwerk im Wert von 250€ zu kaufen, davon 100€ zu zünden und den Rest zu behalten für die nächsten Jahre.
Aber ich bin mir da nicht sicher, weil ich nicht weiß ob das Feuerwerk altert und somit die Qualität nachlässt.
No bad idea. The fireworks last for at least the next few years without any problems, even that which is sold every year has been stored for several years. It must be stored dry, otherwise it can actually become bad – not in the basement, attic or the like, but in a heated room.
In order to take a moment to the other answer, just forget it. One can store fireworks very well (safely) as said of course the sellers do. The fireworks are tested, self-ignition or the like is as good as impossible.
I recently read that this can be a reason for cancellation from the landlord! So please don’t give any (!) dangerous advice here!! There are reasons why the court was right according to the landlord!
Because fireworks were kept in the apartment?! I want to read it myself.
100€ to fireworks at 0 o’clock? They’re gone to 90sec. But it doesn’t bring you anything if it is forbidden except it is only forbidden to sell, but if fireworks are completely forbidden you have spent 150€ of coal sales.
So fireworks won’t be bad in a year so the quality remains as new.
Of course, the fireworks must best be done on a odorless and especially where there is hardly any moisture, because the greatest enemy of fireworks is wet.
I would definitely store some fireworks
can at least not store his fireworks badly. But in my opinion, you don’t really need it because there is always the possibility to buy fireworks from abroad. This is all year round.
no worries, so fast fireworks will not be bad;-) you just have to watch that it is not kept where the humidity is very high.
1. You’d be violating the explosives law in a ban. Depending on the extent, this is a real crime that is very severely punished
Two. You can’t really store fireworks. That could be really dangerous with time. Sometimes they even ignite themselves.
where do you think this violation is?
Of course you can store or store fireworks properly. As long as you are not negligent with a lighter near the fireworks, nothing becomes dangerous. That’s just how it’s inflamed.
Don’t be so nonsense.
1. Don’t let everyone just possess and store such black powder. In the case of a general ban, the exception for fireworks is eliminated.
Two. Google just after fireworks self-ignition.
People are there that there is not 🤦 ♂️
I mean a fireworks ban.
Finally a competent and eventful answer here!
… if you don’t find any evidence yourself.
They say that the fireworks so that they cannot ignite themselves. This does not mean that they ignite themselves in normal storage. Of course, they can be stored directly next to an open wood stove…
Yes, firefighters just say that.
Who is not able to use phrases is also not able to googlen.
Hey, but you know each other 👍
How about you prove your claims?
Apart from any empty allegations, without a justification of how this is supposed to happen at all and confirmations of my statement, I find nothing.
Do I really have to googlen for you?
“Save fireworks so that no self-ignition is possible.”
It doesn’t even say how it should be possible at all.
By the way, the first entry into the fireworks forum leads to me. “A self-ignition of approved fireworks is not to be expected when stored in an appropriate manner.” So it seems that’s not just us.
Click the goddamn link. What the hell is wrong with you?
Here’s what you’ve been looking for. Click on and read this time, otherwise there is nothing
Where does the fire department say that?
I didn’t let anything clear. Besides, I believe the fire department more than any guy on the Internet.
Yeah, because you just don’t know about the subject. But let me delete my comment, I don’t care.
With 150€, the maximum quantity is not added to the cross. And a complete ban is unrealistic anyway, at most a ban on sales if at all.
You’re wrong. Normal persons may not store very much fireworks in this way or so, from a certain point it is punishable. In addition, according to the law, it must also be stored subject matter and subject matter. And this is not the case, unfortunately. And as has already been explained, if there was a ban, then, of course, the pure possession would not be allowed.
It is a general ban on fireworks and bullets. If it is forbidden, the property is also not allowed.
You know more than any other 🤦 ♂️
You are aware that this is about fireworks and not about pure black powder? Storage of F2 items is allowed.
Google simply for information about fireworks. Then you’ll find out how the fireworks work.
do you mean you?
Get fireworks from abroad
Polandböller, to lose a hand quickly?
In my place one lives, the crippled paw looks really good and also the abdominal ceiling! He was in danger for days!
Of course, you connect directly to the words “Ausland” and “Feuerwerk” directly to Polandböller.
However, there are also quite normal F2 fireworks abroad, most of them forget.
In principle, poleboilers are nothing other than cnall bodies of category F3. In order to deal with fireworks of category F3, it is indeed sufficient to submit an application under paragraph 27 SprengG to the competent office. If there has been no debt to date and is at least 21 years old, it is also granted.