Feuerwehr PKW Zuhause haben um von Zuhause zum Einsatz ort zu kommen?

Und zwar hätte ich die Frage ob es funktionieren das wenn ich angenommen den Pkw unserer freiwilligen Feuerwehr Zuhause haben dürfte um damit von daheim aus immer direkt zu Einsätze fahren zu können da ich etwas weiter von der Wache entfernt wohne und im Normalfall der pkw so gut wie nie mitgenommen wird zu Einsätzen

Also ich hoffe mann versteht so halbwegs auf was ich hinnaus möchte

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1 year ago

Why should you put a service car to an x-popular member of the FF? If that were the case for each member, the fleet of a clearing unit would consist only of cars, but would not have any use vehicles. The car doesn’t bring you anything.

And who pays private trips to work and shopping with it? The taxpayer isn’t.

If you live so far away from the equipment store that you can’t come to stakes, you should either look for a closer unit or, in principle, only come to practice services.

In principle, however, this is also a question that you need to discuss with your unity, as only these know your local circumstances. Our opinion here is relatively useless.

1 year ago

Of course, this is theoretically possible…

In practical terms you will see the Wehr or However, do not place a utility vehicle in front of the door if you do not dress a corresponding guide function and are alerted very regularly (more times a week).

and in the normal case the pkw is taken as well as never is taken with

So the car will remain in the guard when it comes to operations? Why?
How many vehicles are there?
Why do you return Why do you not use the passenger car when the other vehicle(s) are already disengaged?
This would also make much more sense from the guard, since then, if necessary. 5 Forces could drive with the car and not only you when he’s at home with you…

1 year ago

Maybe ask the commander or director of the fire department, but he’ll say 99, 9 percent no. Why should you put a car of any kind, that is too expensive, and secondly pointless, as well as the car without clothing does not bring you anything.

1 year ago

You can’t ask us that, but the fire department. I can’t imagine they agree.

1 year ago
Reply to  ronalda

So legally it is clear that our captain would let me

1 year ago

This can only answer your boss, our opinion is completely useless.

1 year ago

After the recently published reports on the fire reefs of some FF comrades, you will hardly be able to match your wish.Find the error.

1 year ago

The connection to the day “Wehrdienst” does not open to me now.

1 year ago

It’s not possible.