Feuchtigkeit im Scheinwerfer?
Habe mir ein Gebrauchtwagen gekauft 70.000 km runter hatte ihm vom Händler abgeholt als ich zuhause angekommen bin waren plötzlich die Scheinwerfer von innen beschlagen. Auto ist ein Mercedes C300 mit led high Performance Scheinwerfern. Sobald ich los fahre und das Licht anmache geht die Feuchtigkeit weg kommt aber sobald ich das Auto abstelle wieder.
Ist es evtl. Normal wenn das Auto solange stand? Danke im Voraus.
The car is from the dealer and this is a defect that falls under the warranty. Take the vehicle there, tell the dealer the problem and insist that he take care of it.
a new (used) headlight, a proper repair of it would be two probate ways to fix the problem.
Lg, Anna
Warranty gives the manufacturer …
you mean warranty
Thanks for the correction – you are right, but there is nothing to change about the fact that you are just GENAU for it at the dealer more than private.
Lg, Anna
correct, I was just about the guarantee
I already had the effect and have been able to eliminate it again by heating the headlamp with switched-on driving light ; if you have fun to do it, You can also open the headlamp and remove all the moisture contained in the headlamp with warming. By the way, it would have been necessary for the seller to “dry” the headlamps.
The headlamps are normally glued waterproof and no moisture should penetrate from the outside.
Inside is usually a plastic cap on it – there should not be any moisture in it – unless someone keeps full on the engine cleaning….
I used to have water in the headlights of my Toyota Starlet P8, but just because once someone changed the rubber cap wrongly.
In the workshop they could get them dry again.
By the way, the water in your headlights does not disappear by switching on, but by the higher operating temperature, the relative humidity in the headlights decreases. The air can absorb more water and the water completely evaporates.
You can also get your headlights properly dry in the workshop.
There are actually lights, there is the state of the art, which is typical of the contained ventilation. Let the dealer confirm this in writing so that you may have a hand in the sale. ILS are very expensive systems, because I would contact the dealer as part of the warranty.
Normal is not
Maybe a seal is no longer the latest. Let’s check it out.
The headlights are leaking, this is a lack. reclaim this!