Fettweg-Spritze. Z.B. Ozempic. Hat jemand Erfahrungen damit?
Ich habe nun so einiges darüber gelesen, kenne auch 1 Person, die gerade dabei ist, sie sieht toll aus.
Wie stark ist Übelkeit als Nebenwirkung?
Um die innere Schönheit geht es mir nicht. Fakten, Selbsterfahrungen wären interessant.
I can only tell you what I would do. Always strategically approaching the matter on natural matter. Nutrition, supplement and move. Apart from that, there are of course means.
if you like, read here:
https://genetic-maximum.de/ernaehrung/abnehm syringe-zu-frueh-gefreut/
I don’t draw an answer here, because I asked for my own experience.
I didn’t ask for any award? What I wrote, I did everything myself, only of course – without medicine.
facts would be
I don’t know what you mean by inner beauty.
I don’t want advice in the sense of “It doesn’t matter to your appearance, but to your radiance and your inner beauty.”
Then I recommend that you really change something and your life nutritionally, otherwise you will always get the sayings.
I don’t see an increase after the syringes have been put down.
Had trouble with the right leg for months, could hardly move me, then some kilos came.
OP has been successful, wants to get rid of the Kilos now. Was always a slim person.
I can only work with the information you provide.
Ozempic does not help to put down bad eating habits and also has irreversible consequences, such as the Ozempicface.
A bad diet can also not be dispensed with, so too excessively much sport will hardly cause anything on the scale when the diet is bad.
Then make sports and feed you healthy and balanced. Such injections are for the patients who need them vitally, namely the diabetics.
You wanted your own experiences or facts, so I gave you facts, but gratitude is not your strength, rather criticize.
I don’t draw an answer here, because I asked for my own experience.
Having received many information on another platform, thank you, I am well informed now.
At the beginning of January, I can ask my doctor specifically questions about my special situation.
He already has Ozempic patients.
You could have diagnosed “defence of movement.”
Nevertheless, thanks for your efforts.
Such syringes need type 1 diabetes
not! 👉Typ1er don’t spray Ozempic!
No! Only overweight/adipous
👉Type2-Diabetiker squirt Ozempic!!
No need to spray only type 1 diabetics. Type 2 diabetics get drugs like metformin. Type2 diabetics only need to spray when reducing overweight, healthy balanced diet, more exercise and, if necessary, Metformin is not enough.
No, not the diabetics, but
if only overweight/adipous
👉Type2 diabetes.
I gave you a tip when you’re as zig-zag, it only shows how zig-zag you are. Ozempic is bullshit if you can do everything yourself much more effectively.
Can’t go, the first bitch here.