Fettig gegessen unglaublich Durst?


Habe gestern so frittierten Brokkoli und Blumenkohl außerdem ein Kräuterbutter Tomaten-Mozzarella Baguette gegessen

(Sehr fettig also würde ich sagen)

(Esse das nicht jeden Tag bei uns ist nur gerade Volksfest 😊)

Und nach dem hatte ich richtig Durst und wenn ich was getrunken habe hatte ich immernoch Durst. Also über den ganzen Tag war ich durstig.

Finde das nicht schlimm da trinken wichtig ist aber verstehe das irgendwie nicht warum weil sonst hab ich eigentlich nie so Durst nur hald bei fettigen Sachen.

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1 year ago

At food offered somewhere, you should take care of it. I just found out that some spice or the like is used in restaurants where you get creepy thirst… so be careful.

1 year ago
Reply to  euleella

Salt ^

1 year ago
Reply to  DERstobbel

No, that must be different. Salt is tasted immediately. This feeling of thirst came only later.

1 year ago

OK, I’ll take a long distance from things I didn’t prepare myself.

1 year ago

Salt is tasted immediately.

Not necessarily. Furthermore, there are also other salts which have the same effect. Sodium e.g.

1 year ago

ChatGPT as follows:

It’s normal that you feel thirst after eating fat food. This phenomenon has to do with the type of food and its impact on your body. Here are some reasons for this:

Salt and fat content: Fatty dishes such as fried broccoli and cauliflower as well as herbal butter tomato mozzarella baguette can often have a higher salt and fat content. Salt can increase your thirst as it binds water and thus can dehydrate your body.

digestive process: Fatty foods need more digestive work as they stay longer in the stomach. Your body sends thirst signals to support digestion and provide the necessary liquid.

stimulation of the stomach: Fatty foods can stimulate the stomach wall, which in turn can lead to an increased production of stomach acid. This can lead to an increased thirst feeling.

Salty foods: Fatty dishes are often also salty dishes. Salty foods can stimulate your thirst as they increase the sodium concentration in the blood and cause your body to absorb more liquid.

Dehydration: Fatty foods can lead to temporary dehydration as they can cause the body to release more water. This can lead to an increased thirst feeling.

It is important to drink enough water after fat meals to supply your body with liquid and prevent possible dehydration. Drinking is a good way to balance the dehydration caused by fat food and give your body the required liquid.

1 year ago

There will have been a lot of salt in there.

1 year ago

There was a lot of salt in there. Drink water or unsweetened tea.

1 year ago


1 year ago

The magic ingredient is salt.