Fett im Allesschneider?

ich benutze diesen Allesschneider seit 8 Jahren, machen ihn aller 3 Tage sauber, schneide nur Brot damit.

bei dem Zahnrad ist Fett vom Hersteller, das kommt nicht in Berührung mit der Schneidefläche vom Brot.

meine Frage muss ich das Fett mal auswechseln? Kann das schlecht werden? Ich meine mehr gesundheitliche Bedenken, wenn die Maschine kaputt geht stört mich nicht so.

das Fett ist an diesem kleinen Zahnrad, ist schon immer da.


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2 months ago

Now – after 8 years – come health concerns. That would be a really long incubation time.

Fat is usually useful in moving parts because it ensures that they remain movable and do not get stuck. So if a manufacturer puts something in there, you can be sure that it belongs there.

Since there is no contact with food at this point, you don’t have to worry. Thoughts should be made because of your attitude regarding the duration of use of items. It makes sense to use all the things you get, extremely much longer than you do today. We already have garbage cans without end; you don’t have to add something easily from unfounded fear.

2 months ago

You don’t have to renew the fat directly. Just refill regularly. This is a special fat that is suitable for food machines. The fat can not get bad, it will be shingy gray, but this is normal abrasion within 8 years

2 months ago

There are special fat for such food machines. You don’t have to worry