Feststecken in Hilfsjobs?
Also was tut man wenn man keine Ausbildung hat, aber auch nicht von Ausbildungslohn Leben könnte, und deswegen keine machen könnte, weil keine Eltern dir einem unterstützen?
Dann bleibt nur Bürgergeld oder Lebenslänglich Hilfsarbeit oder? Also lebenslänglich Armut?
You could ask at the Jobcenter if you can get a living allowance or an increase
It will make sense to make an education.
Emergency a higher degree at an evening school or a hybrid model from work with simultaneous training.
It is a question of how to finance this
Logically with a job, so at the same time.
OK but what about living costs
With the help job.
There are many who finance their studies by a side job themselves.
If you really want a lot of things to do.
The higher degree is nothing, after which you still have to do an education.
and what a hybrid model should exist
Well, probably I’ll never be able to work again
Yes, in a hybrid model.
Alternatively, a higher school degree at an evening school.
But then no training can be done.
That’s why he needs a hybrid model!
Or a higher graduation evening!
There’s no way. You can’t do a job and a training at the same time