Festplatten zu langsam?
zwischen zwei älteren, intern am Board angeschlossenen “6 GB” SATA-Platten kommt nur 100 MB/s Transferrate (laut Windows). Das scheint trotz veralteter Hardware etwas wenig (Hitachi DeskStar 5K3000 2TB, HDS5C3020ALA632 und Toshiba P300 4TB, HDWD240).
Auf dem Board (Gigabyte Z370 C3H) sind zwei Gruppen SATA-Ports. Lässt Sich der Transfer beschleunigen, indem beide Platten an der gleichen Gruppe angeschlossen werden? Oder durch Beheben sonstiger leicht vermeidbarer Fehler?
These are not SSDs and at 5400 rpm, these are completely realistic and good values. ICh would be happy about 100mbyte the second. My old hard drives sometimes only create 35MB.
Nope, this is a normal value for HDDs. Only because the interface can reach 600MB/s, which in reality are also more than 500MB/s, does it not mean that the drives also create it.
HDDs are located in the end customer segment rather at 90-150MB/s.
Ahjo, and it’s Gb/s and not GB/s. The B, i.e. a small b, in the indication of the transfer rate, stands for bit and not for bytes, which is abbreviated to a large B. So you shouldn’t confuse the units. 8bit are 1Byte.
These are great values for HDDs. You could switch to Sata SSDs, then you have 500-600 MB/s depending on the model.
I just wanted to know if there’s something wrong. These are all data graves. I only reorganize the data buried there right now and that’s why it’s up to date.
No, it’s normal. My old HDD just had about 50MB/s.
Very normal transfer rates for old 5400rpm HDDs