Festplatte zeigt bei Partitionierung zu wenig Kapazität an?
Hallo 🙂
Ich habe vor, meine C Festplatte (M.2, 1 TB) zu partitionieren.
Es sollten 250 – 300 GB für Systemrelevante Dateien bleiben, wie z.B. Windows etc. und den Rest hätte ich gerne für Spiele oder sonstiges verwendet.
Problem ist nun, dass laut Datenträgerverwaltung ca. 750 GB frei wären, aber wenn ich die Festplatte partitionieren möchte, bietet er mir max. 444 GB für eine Partition an.
Wo sind die übrigen knapp 300 GB hin ?
Und direkt vorab: Formatierung sollte möglichst umgangen werden können.
Vielleicht hat da ja wer Erfahrung und Tipps 🙂
Danke im voraus, liebe Grüße 🙂
the hard drive does not always store the bytes in succession but depending on how much space is… As a result, data can also exist in the middle or at the end of a partition. When partitioning, Windows can only do this to the place where the last bits are. There are tools that can partition this despite this division.
How high is the risk that individual files are torn apart by the tool?
Basically, creating a new partition on a disk with data is always risky. Therefore, I strongly advise you to secure your data beforehand.
Sure. The tools do this automatically. Z.b. easeus Partition master. https://www.easeus.de/partition-manager/partition-master-free.html
Also thanks to you, the various names did not come along.
I would just like to point out that the answer does not come from me merely the last comment.
Thank you. It was super helpful. :
You didn’t ask for it, but don’t partition your M.2. Leave her the way she is. Then you have a proper system.
But, well, let’s go to partitioning anyway. I partitioned a hard drive/SSD many years ago, I think it was with Minitool and afterwards the system no longer started. But I had previously been advised to create a complete backup with Acronis True Image. So I could play back the backup without any problems and the system started again without problems. I then split the disk into two partitions with the Acronis Disk Director and that worked fine.
With this tool you can change the partition .
(Free Edition 12.7)
Thank you 🙂 But have not created any partition yet, the hard disk is still a whole thing.
Can you still manage the files on it with the tool? Without creating partitions before?
You can also put partition together with it.
True . 👍 Most often lead more paths to the destination 🙂
I think as the screenshot looks, are the things you can manage all without the tool. Either via data carrier administration or via the admin
Thank you, though.
See picture ….
Make a defragmentation when it is a HDD and then check again if a partitioning works.
It is a M.2 hard drive