Festplatte wird in Datenträgerverwaltung nicht angezeigt?
Ich habe meinen PC vorhin zurückgesetzt und nun habe ich das Problem, dass mir meine zweite Festplatte in der Datenträgerverwaltung nicht angezeigt wird. Im BIOS ist diese ganz normal vorzufinden, was kann ich machen?
I’ve done the Win10 recovery three times without any problems.
Last time about the “cloud download”.
Try the following: In the device manager go in the toolbar via the monitor icon in “Search for modified hardware. .
After clicking, a few seconds later the searched hard disk entry would have to reappear.
And if you then open the disk management, hopefully there too.
Nope, probably the record is really in the bucket, I’ll see if another works, hopefully it’s just on the record.
Who knocked you off the bullshit?
…and you think that a “return” would help? (sighs)
Now remember that this is bullshit, right? Hopefully!
Nope – because the hard drive is highly likely defective.
The PC should be reset occasionally, as it becomes slower, for example, over time, due to accumulation of data.
No, I know, of course, that you can do it without putting it back, only I thought I’ve never put it back for three years, then I’ll do it completely instead of half-hearted. He really needs it.
I don’t think that problem is, as I said, that the record isn’t displayed to me in the disk management, I guess it’s also about the driver problem (see the previous question or for the whole context also the first question)
Even if you repeat this bullsh|t so often, it won’t become more true.
But you stand on tech esoteric, then hardly anyone will be able to help you – at least not serious.
…and yet you do.
So either this is a desperate (failed) attempt to keep your face or it is exactly the opposite of “Klug”.
Then keep looking and refuse the truth. Your problem.
I think you’re violating the GF rules here. – Your aggressiveness doesn’t make you more convincing.