Festplatte versehentlich auf Aktiv gestellt seit dem bootet sie nicht mehr?
Hallo zusammen,
habe meine Festplatte versehentlich bei der Datenträgerverwaltung auf Aktiv gestellt , seit dem bootet die Festplatte nicht mehr ?
bitte um schnelle Hilfe
Since before the Windows installation seems to have been made incorrect, according to the first picture, the two panels apparently have a boot partition, i.e. almost twice Windows on the computer.
If you take out the board that you later activated, pull off the cables, then what happens?
Boot error ..
Then take the other plate. If it doesn’t, it’ll be difficult. Sure are wicjtige but unsecured data on the plates? With a Windows installation stick, you can also repair an existing unworking Windows.
Honestly: As chubby as it looks, I would simply reinstall Windows on the faster of the two panels. Take the other plate out. Then reinstall Windows on the remaining disk and delete all existing partitions. Previously, if not already done, secure data!
Since the previous history of the installation is not known, you now have two plates each with a start partition and a Windows, you will only be able to completely solve the node by reinstalling it.
If then Windows runs with one disk, the other one does not yet install! Previously on this board, delete the first boot partition by USB-SATA adapter! Otherwise you’ll get some problems when you’re installed.
Everything else shouldn’t really work, just because it seems to me that you don’t have that look — sorry…
Even if you fix the bootable stick as the first boot medium in the BIOS?
Unfortunately, this error does not come here
You should be able to undo this again with Diskpart.
Simply open the console (to be found under Advanced Options or Bootstick) and enter the following commands:
I still have a boot error
I thought Windows didn’t boot at all?
What happened to the partitions on the disk 0? Did you clear her?
You got both plates in there? This is a cudddel dumpling with you because the boot partition and recovery partition are not on the same disk as Windows.
I wonder why those small invisible Windows EFI boot partitions on both panels are on it, that doesn’t happen in normal installations. Somehow, your Windows is distributed on both disks, reliant and now gets messed up. Secure data on the faster disk (all in the computer!) Reinstalling Windows, etc., as I wrote here before, is the cleanest solution. Some plate manipulations do not solve the problem causally.
How? The hard drive is booting at another computer?
Doesn’t make it from hard drive, another computer has connected the hard drive to show how it is before and now
So I’m not looking through that anymore. The best thing would be if you reinstall Windows. And take the other plate out before, then format it.
Of course, you can also try the start help with the Windows boot stick. Maybe it does.
It’s just a record in it that was just completed to show pictures what it looks like.
on the first picture you can see the partition where then start partition and crash partition is and on the other picture it is only active and primary partition .. how to get it back to the old stand