Festplatte ps4?
Guten Tag, ich habe mir eine externe Festplatte für meine ps4 zugelegt, die aber eine externe Stromversorgung hat, muss die die ganze Zeit an bleiben, damit die Spiele trotzdem gesichert werden? Oder kann ich die auch mit der ps4 ausschalten? Danke im Voraus für die Antworten.
Of course, they can turn off when you turn off the PS
However, it would have been a good idea to buy an external 2.5″ HDD, which can be fed by USB port or just as everyone recommends ne external SSD, which come with the USB port alone
Super thank you
The task of a hard disk is to be able to store data “forever”.
The hard drive itself is exactly the same, whether internal or external. So it can “hold” the data even without electricity.
The problem is that 3.5 inch drives need 5V and 12V, but USB only provides 5V. So you have to put the 12V somehow differently. To do this, you need an external power supply that feeds the 12V into the hard disk housing.
With 2.5 inch drives this looks different, which are intended for laptops and need only 5V supply. However, the mechanical hard drives need a relatively high current, more than USB2.0 is specified. Most 2.5″ external panels can also be connected to many computers without power supply and they still get enough juice. This depends on the hardware, many USB ports allow enough power to prescribe more than the USB specification. Here the power supply is then optional “if this is not possible”.
The PS4 is not designed as a power supply, so the built-in power supply is only sufficient for the PS4 itself and can output only little power via USB, which is only intended for mouse, keyboard and USB stick, i.e. about 100 to 500mA each, so an external 2.5″ hard drive often needs more than 2000 mA!
The external power supply then simply takes over the power supply so that the external hard drive gets the same power as it is installed in a “right PC”.
After switching off the PS4, you can plug the power supply or turn PS4 and power supply together via a switchable power outlet. Only in the middle of operation is bad, then data is lost or the file system can be corrupted if the disk “displaces” in the middle of the writing process because you pull the power supply out or disconnect it.
P.S.: Most SSDs come out with few than 2000mA, can be operated directly by most USB ports. The PS4 should be able to supply an external SSD.
You might find another purpose for the FP. If you prefer an SSD External to feed over the port, then you do not have the problems and it is usually less energy-intensive.
That doesn’t answer my question
That is true, the question has been answered by others, sometimes it makes sense to rethink his situation. Take it as a impulse.