Festplatte nötig?

Hallo, ich wollte fragen ob man eine Fesplatte fürs PC braucht auch wenn man eine SSD karte schon hat, ich wollte einen pc kongufieren und da steht das eine festplatte optional ist wenn man eine ssd schon hat aber wenn ich es google sagt es mir anders dass man eine festplatte braucht, ich vestehe es nicht

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1 year ago

Many people use the fast SSD to the operating system and for the files and data a HDD. Thus the PC starts very quickly and you still have a lot of storage space for relatively little money. A SSD can, however, everything a fast hard drive can, a lot of storage space is only comparatively expensive for SSDs.

1 year ago

Often SSDs are also called a hard drive, which then easily leads to misunderstandings. A SSD usually suffices unless you want to save many files more cost-effectively on the computer. Then you can take a SSD for all active and save on hard drive pictures, photos, ….

1 year ago

No, you don’t need HDD if you already have an SSD. But you should make sure that the SSD is big enough for your needs.