Festplatte lässt sich nie sicher entfernen ohne den Pc ganz hinunter zu fahren, was hilft?

Es steht immer:” Gerät wird noch verwendet” etc.

Was muss ich im Taskmanager beenden damit es klappt?

Danke im voraus.

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2 years ago


In my opinion, the simple withdrawal is always the last solution. Reasons : on sticks, EC cards etc, the write cache of the filesysrems is usually switched off (unless you turn it on). In hard drives, it is always one to increase performance. It can happen that you lose data. So just as an emergency solution.

In the task manager, you have already finished all the processes at the try – they shouldn’t be.

What else could be: if you have services that appeal to the board, you will also receive the message. I’d think about a virus scanner that’s invisibly in the background.

2 years ago

According to Microsoft, it is not necessary for Win 10 to do something. Simply pull USB plug out and is good. I have no problems with this. Especially because sometimes you don’t get behind what program is still going on.

2 years ago
Reply to  pimnelmag6

I went out now because you didn’t write what OS you used.

2 years ago
2 years ago

can’t you just let her throw? In windows, there’s the ejection function, or isn’t it?

2 years ago
Reply to  pimnelmag6

oh,that’s weird,you’ve got any programs running like the hard drive, e.g. a game, steam etc.?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonnyfr

That’s the point….

2 years ago

hmm… sorry, I can’t help you…

2 years ago

hmm… try to close the problem that you can’t close the explorer in the taskbar without your desktop being gone, otherwise I would have proposed that…