Festplatte evtl defekt?
Guten Morgen!
Ich habe hier eine 500GB Festplatte von WD rumliegen.
Ich hatte die vor einigen Monaten über die Dockingstation angeschlossen um zu sehen ob sie i.o ist und ggfs. daten hat die ich noch löschen musste.
Als erste meldung kam dass ich keinen Zufgriff auf die Festplatte habe. Nach mehrmaligen ein und ausschalten und erneuten versuchen, entschied ich mich diese zu Formatieren.
Die Meldung die jetzt kam meinte ich sei nicht berechtigt die Festplatte zu formatieren und seitdem ist diese Festplatte auch nicht mehr unter Windows auffindbar. Weder im Diskmanagment/Datenträgerverwaltung, noch per CMD.
Manchmal wird sie im CMD angezeigt mit Größe : 0 B / Frei: 0 B
Die antwort Zeit dauert dann auch sehr lange. Habt ihr ggfs. noch Ideen die ich machen könnte? Bis auf wegwerfen/zerstören…
LG 🙂
Check how the plate is displayed in the r-Studio.com demo. I am particularly interested in the SMART values and the partitions.
You may still save the data. Whether you can do this or not at the place I can’t say yet. The plate itself is 99.9% scrap!
That’s all I get:
I don’t think I can save the data. The basic idea was to sell the remaining hard drives. The magnets I hold
I don’t quite understand it now – if you sell old 500GB plates you will get 5 EUR on the flea market for it. But what about the magnets?
Looks like the HDD won’t start – that can be either a firmware problem or a broken head, which would then probably click…
To say more, I should hear what’s going on.
The plate should load things like serial number and size from the service area at start. Since neither size nor serial number or firmware version are loaded, the boot process of the HDD seems to be quite right at the beginning.
SMART is then one of the last modules to be loaded. If you have at least size and serial number but no SMART then you know that the core modules were loaded at least.
Your problem is probably either due to the control data for the head in the ROM chip or on the head itself nothing is loaded by the service area…
The HDD will certainly not run for 99%. You need special tools like MRT or PC3000. Data recovery could be possible but would cost between 299 and 699 in the event of success.
The plate itself would also only be put into operation at temp. As a rule, the repair would not be lasting and would only give you the data access at short notice.
To save the record, I don’t see any sensible way.
What I can give as a last information is that the hard drive runs through the docking station and gets very warm.
The defect is present in the controller.
No matter what you do, it is better to throw you on the recycling farm.
You don’t want to get that to the data anymore. Just open it into all parts, not the controller (plate) and try to break it. After that, hardly anyone should be able to reconstruct the remaining data.
I think so. I’ll keep the magnets and somehow destroy the rest before he lands in the garbage. Thank you.
Try the other computer.
I already tried. Nothing new. Did actually get some other info from Windows that I all google, but more also not…
If that is no longer displayed, it was likely that,
Watch the BIOS.
RE: Unfortunately nothing to see in the BIOS. The hard drive makes noises like a noise when I stop in the BIOS. Otherwise it becomes audible from time to time. Which means nothing good..
A power supply is probably included?
USB cable times.
All right, 👍
I need to try later. I’m sure I’ve got some wires lying around, I’m gonna tie them up directly with the mobo. I’ll do it on the test computer if I have the time to drive. Now I’ll let it rest and check the remaining hard disks. Thank you so far for your help. I will give you another update if there is interest! 🙂
I’ll try it. Would be a pity because it was actually i.O…. Was also stored safely, dry and in room temperature. I’m looking at the BIOS