Festplatte defekt?

Ich habe das problem das mir gestern der PC abgestürzt ist(also das OS) also habe ich Neustart durchgeführt alles lief dann wieder. Heute das gleiche bloß das jetze der pc nicht mehr startet (lande immer im initramfs) ein check der Festplatte gemacht und alles gefixt. Jetze ist die Frage ob fie Festplatte defekt sein könnte.(Weil ich die dann schnellstens austauschen muss.)(es handelt sich um eine HDD. Es ist zugleich die system Festplatte)

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5 months ago

might also simply be the hardboard cable if you want to buy a new one and you are unsafe which one, here you will find a selection of hardboard cables. https://amzn.to/3BNaAGm

6 months ago

If you should actually have Linux in accordance with the tags, then let’s do it in a terminal

sudo dmesg -w

run. If your record goes over the Wupper, you will find corresponding SATA/IO error messages.

6 months ago
Reply to  Spyro2482

If you see “Sense …” and “SATA link up 1.5 Gbps” (instead of 6.0 Gbps) and other I/O errors, then it will not last 2 years. I would advise you to make a replacement as soon as possible (and to have a backup in any case).

6 months ago

I can’t judge it completely from a distance, of course, but my feeling tells me that the plate electrically makes the Grätsche and your (repairable) data errors at the end are only the result of electrical failure while writing.

My trust in the record would be over.

6 months ago

I’m sure there’s any message that could give you an explanation. Please take a picture of it.

Was there any chances when testing the plate?

6 months ago
Reply to  Spyro2482

If the start goes wrong and you land at initramfs, then there is a mistake in the system. Don’t necessarily have to do with the record. But normally you will be informed what it fails.

Even if I don’t think there’s anything, do you make a picture anyway?

And what happened to the record test now?

If you don’t mind, you’ll get through here. https://eggers-blog.info/2020/09/linux-rennt-beim-booten-initramfs-was-tun/

5 months ago

you could link him…

6 months ago

You’re sure you have reasons not to show the error message that you don’t have, but I’m out of place. Good luck.