Fester Belag nach Zahnspange entfernen unmöglich?

Wenn man die Bracets von der Zahnspange entfernt bekommt haben manchmal Leute festen Belag rund rum die ehemaligen Bracets (man sieht dann so eine rechteckige Form) und die Zahnärzte drohen das sowas nie mehr abgeht, aber ich glaub das nicht da muss es doch Wege geben wie sowas wieder abgeht oder?

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11 months ago

Hello lanaeldia,

when the brackets are removed, glue residues are ground and the teeth are polished. Then there’s no more cover.

What happens occasionally is demineralization under the brackets. This is a precursor of caries and they are called “white spots”. The tooth is then dirty and where the brackets were on it, it is brighter than the rest. Then the dentist takes care of it.

Good luck!


11 months ago

Hey, hey, I’m working at the CFO and I’m sorry to have to tell you that’s perfect. This “deposit” is nothing but a decalcification of the tooth enamel and can NOT be removed! What’s in the enamel remains there. Teeth is one of the few things of our body that it cannot reproduce. So what’s gone is gone!!!!!

Decalcifications are caused by very bad oral hygiene when plaque was too long on the teeth!

Good luck!

11 months ago
Reply to  lanaeldia

Very welcome 🙂