Feste Zahnspange Ringe locker?

Ich habe seit 4wochen eine feste Zahnspange.Vorgestern habe ich Chips gegessen und dan ist ein hinterer bracket oben locker geworden.Heute hab ich etwas Gummibärchen gegessen und diese Ringe oben an meinem Backenzahn sind raus gerutscht dan hab ich sie wieder reingedrückt es hält aber ich hab Angst das sich deswegen meine Zähne wieder komplett verschieben.Habe schon Termin beim Kieferorthopäden in 1 Woche trotzdem will ich mal wissen ob ihr auch so was hattet und ob es schlimm ist

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1 year ago

Hello Andraaa,

As soon as a bracket is off or a band is released, you will call your pine orthopedic and he will stick it back.

If this happens to you more often, you should be more careful with your food selection and your chewing technique.

Good luck!


1 year ago

If you have an appointment next week, it’s okay. Or call the dentist and ask.

1 year ago

Rubber bears and liquorice: nasty… that sticks. (so with chewing gum etc.)

I never had brackets, but with me it was a crown where it slipped out. It’s sticky, it’s only sticking, and it’ll be pulled down on the next occasion of a normal chewing.”

Chips don’t give me why. Maybe a crumb slipped behind the bracket. I guess that can happen to you with other eating things, just ask.

My children had brackets, and only once there was something to stick.

1 year ago

I had a fixed brace, but I don’t think I had it, but you should be aware that you can’t eat everything with a fixed brace.