Ferritin Wert 586 mit 19?
Habe meinen Bluttest zurück bekommen und mitbekommen dass mein Ferritin Wert bei 586 liegt, wobei der Normwerte bei max 400 liegt. Ansonsten sind alle anderen Leber und Thyroid Werte Perfekt. Ich werde in einigen Tagen nochmal zum Arzt gehen, kann mir einer vllt erklären wie sowas entstehen könnte usw? Bei Fragen einfach melden. Ich bedanke mich im Vorfeld schonmal.
In women, the limit of ferrite is 200 micrograms per litre, in men at 300 micrograms per litre.
Maybe your lab has other limits?
Ask your doctor!
The limit of the laboratory is 220 male and 110 female, the official limit in Germany at 400, in any case I have somehow an excess of ferritin as well as symptoms for low testosterone.
As a suspicion diagnosis comes into question:
Iron store disease (or hemochromatosis), but first discuss this with your doctor.
Yes, this iron metabolism disorder can be treated well in time. The treatment options are available on Wikipedia.
A tumor is unlikely, but recessively this disease can be inherited. There is a good therapy diagnosed in time!
Perhaps a diet with very little iron or blood collection?
And can you lower the value and reverse the damage?
At best, it was a lab failure, otherwise the diagnosis is called.
No one has hemochromatosis or any iron problems with us in the family
Can such a disease come suddenly? And can it really be tumors?