Fernzüge besser ohne Maskenpflicht?

In Flugzeugen besteht keine Maskenpflicht.

  • Sollte in Fernzügen der Bahn ebenfalls darauf verzichtet werden?

Denn stundenlanges Fahren mit Maske ist eine Zumutung.

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2 years ago

I see this as a successful lobbying of the flying industry. The differences to distance travel by train are marginal.

2 years ago

Personally I keep such masks like FFP2 in rooms where you are longer in the current version sense-free. These masks protect against droplet infection only when sneezing. In normal breathing, these masks do not lie on the cheeks next to the nose. Thus, virus-loaded aerosols are inhaled and inhaled freely there. Thus, the application could also be given in distance trains because of ineffectiveness.

In recommendations for these masks it is mentioned that the masks should rest well on the face while wearing, but that would only be achieved if you constantly press the masks on the face with your fingers.

The competent authorities know of the makel but so far nothing has improved from the FFP2 masks

2 years ago
Reply to  newcomer


Tragedauer von FFP2 Masken ohne Ventil

FFP2 Masken ohne Ausatemventil sind oft flexibler und bestehen aus sehr komfortablen und hautverträglichen Stoffen wie Baumwolle. Die mehrlagige Baumwollschicht mit einer metallischen Schutzschicht im Inneren bietet besten Schutz vor Aerosolen und Viren wie dem Coronavirus. Durch den hohen Atemwiderstand ist die Tragezeit jedoch etwas geringer als bei FFP2 Atemschutzgeräten mit Ventil. Allerdings kann ein Mund-Nasen-Schutz ohne Ventil öfter eingesetzt werden.

  • Die Tragezeit von filtrierenden Halbmasken ohne Ausatemventil ist auf 75 Minuten begrenzt
  • Die Erholungsdauer beträgt 30 Minuten.
  • Pro Arbeitsschicht können Sie die FFP2 Maske ohne Ausatemventil fünf Mal erneut tragen.
  • Pro Arbeitswoche sind vier solcher Arbeitsschichten möglich.
  • Damit können Sie pro Arbeitswoche 20 Einsätze mit einem FFP2 Atemschutzgerät ohne Ventil zu jeweils 30 Minuten durchführen.


Wie sollte denn sowas realisiert werden sprich 6 Stunden Maske tragen wenn man sie ununterbrochen nur 75 Minuten benutzen kann. Dann muss man 30 Minuten ohne Maske atmen

2 years ago
Reply to  newcomer

I continuously read the word work where you work on the train

2 years ago
Reply to  newcomer

Hello? This applies to heavy physical work. I don’t think you’re doing sit-ups on the train, or you’re taking weights.

2 years ago
Reply to  newcomer

Why does the mask have a metal bow on the nose? So people like you get “good air” and the viruses are released little braked into the air. Oh, the masks can be adapted so that they really lie? Oh, that’s why they are also allowed as dust masks in the labour law sense?

A correctly seated mask draws together visibly during inhalation – it is not made of steel.

Maybe you should buy less Chinese alibi masks from Lidl and Aldi, but those that are actually FFP2.

Anyone who walks with the sharp “packing neck” of the bow on the nose has as much idea of protection as the cow from the 5-day week. Unfortunately, one looks very often, even on television with self-appointed experts.

Try it right – it really is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doktorelektrik

may be that asian noses are somewhat smaller but all attempts to get these masks together with the bow have failed (German manufacturer ). Only when I started an additional wire stirrup that is held over the bands on the mask was the mask tight so that it is clearly moved during each breathing.

I sent this solution to the appropriate authority. They know the problem and wanted to include it in a new standard…

2 years ago
Reply to  newcomer

So, if I have to wear such a mask, it automatically sits so tight that when inhaling and exhaling the mask is constantly pulled together and blown up, and that so strong that it rests almost completely on the face when inhaling.

I guess this is Depending on the face shape, and whether you have a cracked or naja fleshy face XD

There should simply be different mask shapes for different faces.

2 years ago

have inserted picture of the temples. The wire is shaped with corresponding template. This can be used from one to the next mask

2 years ago

Very lousy. Since I have known such masks for a long time, I know the importance of proper use. With me, it works very well with brand masks – I have additionally reinforced them with glued insert filter layers.

The masks actually have different sizes, some bands are just too tight to me because too short. Some masks are too big for me as an adult.

If the mask carriers would at least bend this existing bracket, more than 90% would probably be helped.

Good luck!

2 years ago

I do not quite understand the regulation. In buses there’s a bit of sun, because the old people are driving to the doctor, but you don’t have it in long distance trains and I don’t know what’s different from the plane or the supermarket. FFP2-mask duty for 5 hours drive I even find a bit exaggerated. And that only because the fall comes – in July, where so many have been sick, no one has thought of it because summer was. In South Africa, where many evil mutants came from when we have autumn, spring.

2 years ago
Reply to  vuurwerk3011

[…]and I don’t know what’s different than in the plane […].

It is argued that in an aircraft no travellers regularly enter and exit, each has its fixed place and one is also registered.

2 years ago

thought in aircraft is more air throughput at the ventilation system

2 years ago
Reply to  vuurwerk3011

In South Africa, where many evil mutants have come from,

Omikron came from South Africa and has redeemed us from the really evil mutant Delta.

2 years ago

But the plane is in contrast to the ICE around the world, so also in South Africa or Brazil. There would be even more sense of a masking obligation, because from there variants could be introduced. On the other hand, the train runs only in Europe, and if there is a mutant in Belgium, it will be fast by car traffic with us anyway.

2 years ago

But it is still not explained why you have to wear in the ICE mask, but not in the supermarket. And the ICE is also not there for risk groups to be taken to the doctor, but for holiday and business trips. Crane people are more likely to drive around less. Even in the pharmacy there is no masking obligation, and there are more old and sick people going.

2 years ago

That too.

2 years ago

Contagions only occur in interior spaces. Means of transport (car, bus, train and aircraft) are “mobile” interiors. Wear the mask…

2 years ago

It is necessary to carry the FFp two mask according to instructions. Regular 30 minutes break.

2 years ago
Reply to  lifefree

Of course you can eat and drink on the train. In particular, the FFP masks can be processed for easier breathing. Edit the fabric with needle. Nostrils removed. Get in the washing machine.

2 years ago

Corona is from my point of view I do not deny the presence of the virus.

2 years ago

Then don’t drive.

Mask conscientious objectors in such “forced spaces” are an interpretation – for intelligent, normally capable fellow human beings who “do not like” to get sick with corresponding consequences.

1.5 years ago, the aviation industry has been whining around that the ventilation systems are so good that one can’t get stuck in the plane compared to buses and trains. It’s bullshit, but it doesn’t matter. Now it’s just there in planes no longer Legal prescribed, and every fool uses this as a medical argument. Kind of poor, don’t you think?

Currently the numbers go through the ceiling – at the Oktoberfest. Why? Because the ventilated tents unplugged and there are no such viruses any longer?

Look forward to being healthy – and make sure others stay healthy.

Thank you for your insight!

2 years ago
Reply to  Doktorelektrik

for intelligent, normally capable fellow human beings

They understand the difference in handling
No planes and trains.
Me neither.
Either both or none.

2 years ago
Reply to  FWGAK

Oh, because it’s wrong elsewhere, should you make the same mistake everywhere? That’s still a lot worse when I was afraid.

“The Klaus stole an appel, I’m stealing an appel…” has already convinced some in the kindergarten. But at some point the learning curve should show up…

2 years ago
Reply to  Doktorelektrik

It’s bullshit, but no matter what.

The air circulation in a passenger cabin takes place “from top to bottom”. The fresh air comes from ventilation nozzles above the passengers, then gets down and is drawn in by the air conditioning system just above the cabin floor. A complete air exchange takes place in the cabin about every 2 minutes.

2 years ago
Reply to  MAB98

Works in your theory on a piece of paper.

Practically, almost everyone turns off the ventilation (“it pulls”), and the ones in front of a sitting person press their lying seats in the face with the backrest. You could shave it almost without problems. But no matter what, you can’t be infected, but the disease spreads out massively wherever you can’t get infected. How does that come?

And a plane must enter sometime and be left again. Without a mask in a dense crowd over – forty minutes a true treat, just the physical dispute about the storage space over the head. What you get from breathing air alone…

If I smell garlic stench (which is usually bad for me) of passengers can smell in the flyer, it is with the air exchange ordered from top to bottom not far.

A question to oberklugen I have aerosol experts anyway: why can I smell cigarette smoke outdoors at over 10 m and it even interferes with the concentration if that is not possible? Viruses are much easier “transportable” than the large solids and gases of a cigarette – all known facts, fluffy ignored because it fits you in the stuff.

I believe only the real experts who, for example, also deal with the interpretation of cleanrooms and I believe the laws of physics, not the policy of masquerades and corona denials. I already mentioned that warm humid air is lighter than cold dry fresh air? Where was it sucked? Down? No turbulence? All right!

2 years ago
Reply to  lifefree

Well, well, and we all depend on the law to be respected. Where’s your problem?

Not at any price, the Lord! We are not in Russia where everyone can do what he wants.

Always brushed on riot? Dwarf rise? Does anyone harm others? No?

Great, then mask RICHITIG up and is good.

2 years ago

No, I’m really sorry about this because it hurts others. The method “Truth-finding by majority decision” is nothing for scientists. You can discuss for hours whether 2+2 should not be 3,50 or – if it should be – 3,95, but never 4!

2 years ago

What is that nonsensical jelly?
What does this have to do with apples and claws?
Either the experts agree that masks
where people have to be close together
or it is not necessary.
I don’t see any difference between trains and planes.
But what you gave fa is just bullshit.
From now on, to the blocking list with you.

2 years ago

of course, that’s an interpretation. pure harassment.

for this reason I boycott All public transport since the introduction of masquerade in May 2020.

in almost all of Europe, including in many other countries such as the USA or even New Zealand, the masquerade was abolished almost everywhere. only Germany goes a special way

Person of the week: Lauterbach: Mr Lauterbach, explain the Corona crisis for terminated! – n-tv.de

Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has already called for the abolition of the masquerade obligation on bus and train:


even the Allianz Pro-Rail lobbying association calls for the abolition of masquerade :


Unfortunately, this is categorically rejected by the hardliner and “continuous warner ” Karl Lauterbach (SPD ). as well as the Greens

2 years ago
Reply to  Torrnado

What does this have to do with harassment? Would it be okay for you and others if you have an hour-long surgery before you and the doctor refuses to wear a mask during the surgery? Finally, the bad air gets under there and has to work highly concentrated. This disrespect towards others is simply to the K… no matter in which country you are in.

2 years ago


This is because our politicians fly or drive.

I just don’t want to ask you all the questions and answers about the topic.

This is the search page for masquerade

2 years ago
Reply to  lifefree

only you find hundreds of answers to your topic.