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3 years ago

No, the prices are basically the same.

At the vending machine, however, it can be a bit more difficult to find the cheapest savings price tickets, because there are not the same search options as online (at any rate it was like when I tried it last time at a vending machine).

Apart from that, the same price is also paid for the same connection at the vending machine.

3 years ago

Prices vary according to the time of day and utilization. As a rule, it becomes more and more expensive with time/load. Whether you buy them at the vending machine or online. Only you probably get to the cards online even earlier, where they are often even cheaper. The same card can suddenly cost much more within a few hours or even under even minutes.

3 years ago
Reply to  nicolo1101

I personally haven’t seen that yet. And I’ve seen a few times in the tram on the phone after the price and then bought it at the machine. It was the same with me.

3 years ago

So when I drove the tram to the main railway station to buy the ticket.

3 years ago

Actually, yes. With the incentive, one tries to minimize the potential “black driving” and, on the other hand, to achieve a controlled better utilization.