Fernsehen übers Internet?
Vorab. Ich bin ein Technik Depp, verzeiht mir deshalb meine Unbeholfenheit
Momentan hat unsere Wohngemeinschaft einen Kabel Vertrag mit Vodafon.
Der wird aber gekündigt. Jeder Bewohner muss sich wg. ges. Vorgaben nun selber drum kümmern.
Ich habe einen Smat Fernseher, den ich mit WLAN verbunden habe.
Mir ist es auch gelungen, das Gerät mit den jeweiligen Media Theken nutzen zu können.
Dann habe ich getestet, ob das auch funktioniert, wenn ich das Kabel abziehe.
Es funktioniert, aber nur bis ich die Info, dass ich das Antennenkabel überprüfen soll. . Das kommt alle 2 Sekunden. Drück ich die Meldung weg, geht’s wieder 2 Sekunden.
Also heißt das, dass ich gar nicht übers Internet Fernsehen kann?
Brauch ich dazu noch was? Wäre ja interessant, wenn man keinen Kabel Vertrag abschließen müsste.
Ausserdem komm ich natürlich nur in die Mediathek des entsprechendem Programms. Eine Umschaltmöglichkeit auf andere Sender finde ich nicht.
Vielleicht erbarmt sich ja jemand.
Hello kassawubu!
The innovation is probably the so-called auxiliary cost priority. It is important first of all whether this is only on the TV cable contract or also the internet or the internet. Telephone cable agreement with Vodafone.
Because the use of the smart TV device presupposes Wi-Fi, i.e. the Internet connection, while the TV cable agreement allows reception via cable TV devices.
The cable box usually has three jacks, for TV, Internet and radio A coax cable comes to the TV. A coax cable comes into the Internet socket to the IEC connection of the modem.
Depending on your wishes and old contracts, you need a new Internet provider with the corresponding offers.
Here for reading and searching:
https://www.finanztip.de/internet provider/
thank you for your contribution. You seem to have an internet connection, why don’t you just get MagentaTV? There you can, if the TV is the APP, just stream it by APP.
Sven W.
It is best to plug in a streaming stick (Fire TV, Chromecast and co.) to an HDMI socket and log in to the WLAN. There are various apps for TV and other providers.
Deputy for all helpers who recommend apps to me.
I have to buy it, too. Where are they? On the TV? Then you need an app for the RTL group, SAT1 group.?
Then you can’t just take it. I need to look at this with a friend. At the moment I’m standing like the ox before the mountain. Sorry.
A pair of apps are pre-installed on the Fire TV Stick. Others are available for free in the AppStore, which is already on the stick. This is actually quite clear and self-explanatory. There’s Alexa’s function for trouble and you just say what you’re looking for.
P.s. in the Joyn app or at Zattoo are almost all transmitters together. You can easily switch back and forth within the app.
Thank you very much.
I’m seeing something clearer now. Be sure to look at this
If I stay with Vodafon, the offer will change nix. (the ÖR in HD, the private without} . To date, the cable connection will cost around 9 euros because we have 12 households connected.
The basis of TV connect start costs less than 10 Euro/mtl. and offers the same.
In order to be able to see the private in HD, it costs 12.99 euros.
But I need a Ci+ module and a card. (the shaft is available) The module can be bought (around 70 euros), or rented. Do I see that right?
I’d be happy to stay with Vodafon. The service doesn’t seem good to me.
4 weeks ago I sent a corresponding request by contact form. Answer.
I have bad cards for future connections.
in the bedroom I have no cable connection and also a smart tv.
about the apps joyn and rtl plus I watch live tv.
the only doofe is that you can only stay within the app while zapping and if necessary change the app.