Fernsehen an als kranke Mutter?

Ich bin Mutter einer 2 Jährigen und liege völlig flach. Mein Mann muss arbeiten und auch sonst gibt es niemanden, der mal vorbeikommen kann und Babysitten. Nun habe ich ihr den Fernseher angemacht und mich dazu auf die Couch gelegt um etwas zu dösen. Bzw. auch gestern. Davon ist mein Mann alles andere als begeistert. Der will das eigentlich nicht.

Wir lassen sie kaum Fernsehen. Aber ich meinte, dass ich es anders nicht schaffe und keine Unterhalterin machen kann. Ich bin wie gesagt total erkältet, liege flach und so ist sie wenigstens beschäftigt und ich kann mich ein wenig ausruhen.

Mein Mann meint, er möchte das nicht. Vor allem wenn das noch Tage so geht.

Wie ist eure Meinung dazu?

Ist es falsch, dass ich das mache? Sollte ich die Zähen zusammenbeißen? Oder “darf” ich mir das auch mal erlauben. Es ist ja ein Ausnahmezustand sage ich mal. Eine Sonderregelung.

Mein Mann kann ja leicht reden, er muss ja nicht krank Zuhause sein mit Kind.

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4 months ago

Hi, I can’t say anything about that.

If you ask here, you can also ask here, anything anonymous:



Just send the question as a copy there, maybe with the address in the Sieform.

4 months ago

Haha. One who, if he’s sick, can just leave work behind and go home and sleep out, he has easy to talk. He doesn’t have to worry about a 2 year old during his illness. He obviously has no idea how much work does the care of a toddler and maybe he hasn’t been really sick for a long time. It just doesn’t work when you’re sick, then you can rest. Ready.

If he doesn’t want EUER child to watch TV during your illness, he can write a child’s disease. That goes also when the person who would actually care for the child is sick. And then he can take full care of his child and let your illness be cured.

As you pass such a day, should be left to you, because you are in the situation, not him. And it is an exception and not every day. I don’t want him to do that. Anyway, I wouldn’t tell him you were watching TV when he turned on it.

4 months ago
Reply to  Pharmaengel

Full of my opinion. He can take care of his (!) child until you are healthy again.

4 months ago

I understand both of you. It’ll be very fast at the 2 years. I understand you, too. can’t even take the child’s father free?

4 months ago

I understand both sides. First of all, your husband is right, television is not good for toddlers. It tightens them a lot too much, they get headaches and become restless, painful and unbalanced. Their frustration decreases sharply and they become rapidly aggressive.

But I understand you too. If you have no strength to miss your child because you are sick and have to rest and protect yourself for this reason and no one is there to help you, the TV is a good way to keep the child so quiet.

If possible, you should adjust the TV to show less pictures per second. That’s not so exhausting for the child.

If you are healthy again, you should definitely reduce the screen time of your child.

And your husband should take a few days of nursing leave. This should be possible in this situation. Then he can take care of the household and child and the TV can remain switched off.

4 months ago
Reply to  Andrastor


And your husband should take a few days of nursing leave.

Good idea.

4 months ago
Reply to  nochnefrage

Thank you.

4 months ago

That’s what my husband is all but enthusiastic about. He doesn’t want it.

Then he has to stay at home and do the care work you otherwise do (unpaid!). He’ll be able to “adow” you so you can get better quickly.

What does he think about how family works? He says “Hopp” and the others have to work and jump?

4 months ago
Reply to  adianthum


4 months ago

I don’t see a problem. Of course, she shouldn’t hang all day in front of the glott, but if that helps you get some time out for recovery. If your husband interferes with it, he must be active himself and take care of himself.

4 months ago

But you can ask questions here. Well. Still, I’ll find your job OK.

Don’t let your husband stress you. Should he take the child if he has a problem. You’re not gonna turn your kid on horror movies. Of course, the usual child-visual stuff in the morning is actually too grumbling, but it’s an exceptional situation and definitely makes it different soon. Good improvement!

4 months ago

My husband says he doesn’t want it. Especially if it’s still going to happen.

He shouldn’t be dressed like that and do what belongs to his duties as a husband and father: to take away (or work in the HomeOffice, if possible) and take care of the children, so that you can also compete. It should be natural!

When he lays flat (I say only: men’s flu!), he also expects you to care for him – right?!?

4 months ago

You have to look at yourself, too. It doesn’t help your family if you break up. If your husband is sick, he won’t go to work either. You agree that this is not a good situation. Tell your husband if you get sick, he’ll have to stay home and take care of the child.

Well, of course, if you can give the child to someone, Mother, Sister, Brother, Neighbor, Girlfriend…

With such small children, I don’t think of anything you can do with the child without having to clean up even more.

4 months ago

If he’s totally sick and he’s bad, you can touch your daughter. He’ll thank you…

Oh, my God, it’s an exception…

You will later carry out completely different conflicts of conscience than if you can “park” a child in front of the TV.

4 months ago

Or “I’ll let you do that.


4 months ago

Don’t worry about it, no child has become stupid about it. Why is your husband so opposed? You can also watch videos on Youtube with her, there are many for small kids who are great. LG

4 months ago
Reply to  skibidi367

Yes. Children become stupid when they are too much in front of the glott. And there are also learning videos for children from the age of 12. Before but hardly and certainly not for children under 5.

4 months ago
Reply to  diderot2019

So I liked watching TV, especially in other languages. He helped me a lot. My sister even got the ABC through this very early. It just depends on what you show them. If I give a child all the time to look Telletubbies then yes – it probably gets stupid

4 months ago

Children learn languages through social contacts and not when they passively hear something played.

4 months ago

I think that’s okay, and if your husband doesn’t mind, he’s supposed to look after a babysitter, take a vacation and take care of his child himself…. You are a human being, and people can get sick.

4 months ago
Reply to  Morticia20

She can enter some long texts here, but don’t pay attention to her child?

4 months ago
Reply to  DerHans

How long does it take to write such a text? Two minutes? Three minutes? Vlt. is she lying on the couch… vlt. does the child sleep?

4 months ago

From a few hours of advertising television, she’s not gonna be totally brazed. However, with two years she probably believes everything that can be seen.

4 months ago
Reply to  DerHans

However, with two years she probably believes everything that can be seen.

That’s not the problem. The problem is that so small children first have to experience the world 3-dimensional to understand a movie. That means they have to touch things and move in the 3-dimensional world and the sound has to come from the direction in which something happens.