Fernsehe Bildschirm flackert manchmal lila/grün, geht er kaputt?
Hey, also manchmal flackert mein fernsehe Bildschirm lila/grünlich aber das verschwindet immer wieder nach paar Sekunden und es passiert ungefähr 2-3 mal am Tag, manchmal sind auch nur kurz Pixel die lila sind, was heißt das?
It may be the end. – How old is the device?
I don’t know, he belonged to a pub and I got it.
I’ll join you, see if the cable connection is okay. And no wobble contact.
I’ve seen there’s only one cable, put in the TV and put out the cable, and that’s connected to it.
The antenna cable, which is normally 1 on a wall socket and 2 on the television.
I’ll take a look, what cable?
Look if the cable connection is okay. Sounds like a crisp cable.
1. HDMI / Scart cable check.
Two. Fön on hot and heat the back of the TV. Will the problem become more common / worse?