Ferienhaus Urlaub günstig?

Wir wollen zu 8. in Urlaub gehen und haben uns überlegt ein Haus für eine Woche zu mieten. So Airbnb zum Beispiel.
in welchem Land/Insel/Gegend (Europa) ist das am günstigsten? Wo dann auch die Lebenskosten günstig sind

am Strand!

Vielen Dank schon mal 🙂

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1 year ago

Moldavia probably, but for this, the country is not particularly attractive for holidaymakers even in the current time. My recommendation for a good price-performance ratio would be Croatia, but prices have increased significantly in recent years, more favourable alternatives are, for example, Albania or Montenegro, which also have a beautiful coast and plenty of nature to offer, but are not yet so developed.

1 year ago

Would it depend on whether you want to fly or not. If so, I wouldn’t even stay on the mainland. For such a large group I would recommend Crete or Rhodes because there are many large and modern Airbnb’s, which are usually very cheap. Otherwise I can recommend Montenegro and Albania.