Feriencamp, Zimmergenosse schläft komplett nackt, soll ich was sagen oder nicht?
Hallo und zwar bin ich gerade in einem Feriencamp in Kroatien, und wir schlafen jeweils in so kleinen Häusern zu zweit in einem Zimmer. Ich schlafe halt mit jemand anderen in einem, doch immer wenn wir schlafen gehen zieht er seine Unterhose aus und schläft komplett nackt, was mich schon bisschen stört. Sollte ich was sagen oder nicht? Nicht das er am Ende komisch reagiert.
So if he sleeps in a bed when he leaves the ceiling, I find it quite disrespectful. And yes – I’d say something.
I’d leave him alone with separate beds.
Let him go!
If he knows it from home and finds it comfortable, then leave him the freedom. It’s just about nudity and not about any nightly “activities”. You could try it yourself…
You can politely ask him to wear something down at least. Where I personally had no problem
He’s gonna put himself under a blanket and it’s generally dark at night, so he doesn’t know what’s bothering you.
The problem is he doesn’t use a blanket and it’s funny because we sleep together in such a bed so no separate one.
Just tell him to wear at least one underpants.
Naked sleep is nothing bad. What bothers you? You don’t see him when you sleep, you have your eyes.
I wouldn’t say anything