Fenster Verdeck im Flugzeug?

Hallo, liebe Community

Auf dem Flug nach Düsseldorf ist mir etwas aufgefallen.

Etwa 20 Minuten vor der Landung, wurde ich von dem zuständigen Personal gebeten, das Verdeck meines Fensters vollständig zu öffnen.

Ich kann mir aber nicht erklären, wofür dieser Vorgang gut sein soll und was es für einen Unterschied macht . Könnt ihr mir weiterhelfen?

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5 years ago

https://www.merkur.de/reise/darum-muessen- Flugzeuglaeden-beim-start-oben-sein-zr-8281602.html

This is why window shutters must be opened

The shutters must be up during start and landing for a simple reason: if there is an unexpected incident, it is very important that the crew has a clear view outside. You must have the opportunity to have an overview of everything at any time.

Since there is the highest risk of emergencies when starting and landing, it is important to keep the window shutters up. Rescue forces must also be able to check the situation in the plane in case of emergency.

5 years ago

The windows in the airplane are very small and made of thick armored glass because of the pressure. They can be closed with such a plastic top. There is no curtain. This is closed for night flights to sleep or read so it does not dazzle or to protect from light. You don’t see anything at night. And many want to see out of the window the day. Either it is because of the order that all the windows are open to landing or because of the wind there is less resistance so that air turbulence and turbulence does not occur when approaching. The front cockpit window is always open.

5 years ago

In order for the flight attendants to have an overview immediately when, for example, a driver begins to burn.

5 years ago

I have read that in the windows small holes are thus better distributed in the airplane 🤔

5 years ago

This question is one of the classics and is constantly being asked every year.

So here again the answer: You or the FB must see when landing on which side you can leave the aircraft in an emergency.

5 years ago
Reply to  MrAcidMaster
