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2 years ago

Look. there: Click!

Tele: ICS = Indonesia, Special Model 2013

Strat: ICS = Indonesia, Special Model 2010

“ICS = Indonesia, Cort. The S probably stands for “Special Run” and was probably used for special models. The dating is quite simple with the Indonesian Squier guitars: The first two digits of the 8- or 9-digit serial number are for the production year. The remaining numbers mark the current production number.”

Unfortunately, you only have these four pictures, a few more would be very good.

I guess the tele has got one off at some point, you see at the back of the headboard, but you don’t have to say anything. The fact that the mechanics are somewhat scratched at the back may indicate that the part has often been in the closet or elsewhere. What else to see is quite new and if the rest of the ketars look like that, I would not pay more than € 165. (Of course you bring some pictures) – Who raised the strings there should be taught how to do it right…

The strate has probably stood in a corner for a very long time, because the strings are rusted and the twig you see seems to be oxidized. Anyway, I can’t see if there’s something down on the fingerboard, looks pretty unused. I wouldn’t give more than €100 for the club. 🎸


2 years ago

The Tele is built in 2013, the Strat 2011 (one recognizes on the basis of the first two digits of the serial number).

Value cannot be determined by means of the head plates alone. The Strat doesn’t look like she’s in a good condition.

2 years ago
Reply to  BillyShears

The Strat doesn’t look like she’s in a good condition.

What can you see?

2 years ago
Reply to  joerosac

Strings rusted, fingerboard furdry and unkept, waistband looks blunt.

But as I said, you don’t see much.

2 years ago

Yeah, looks like they didn’t get much to do…

2 years ago

alone By the fact that this is a Fender Telekaster, I would say that one of both alone is worth about 400€+ if you have bad luck is electronics or connection or other caput, which would greatly reduce the price.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thunfischbuch

Are Sqier not Fender!

Already Fender was not reliable in the last thirty years of production and model loyalty, what should I do with a model of Squire, which is made of Linde or even of poplar.

2 years ago
Reply to  hoermirzu

oh okay, yes then I can’t help you, sorry