Ich habe heute erfahren, dass ich (ohne es zu wissen) schwanger war, aber eine Fehlgeburt erlitten habe.
In welcher Woche ich war kann man mich genau sagen.
Ich habe in der Zeit allerdings etwas zugenommen und einen kleinen Bauch bekommen.
Hat jemand Erfahrungen damit, wie schnell man bei einer Fehlgeburt in einer Frühschwangerschaft wieder abnimmt und der Bauch zurück geht?
Wie gesagr ich bin definitiv nicht weit gewesen (schätze noch vor 7SSW).
Ich habe in einigen Foren darüber gelesen, dass Frauen (die waren allerdings schon in der 18 SSW) massive Probleme mir Gewichtszunahme nach einer Fehlgeburt hatten. Ist das bei sehr frühen Aborten auch so? Hat jemand Tipps?
I don’t know a woman who got a little belly after so short SS.
I guess you just got up like that and if you don’t do anything for it, you won’t take off either.
The doctor has healthier, it definitely comes from
I can only tell you a happiness you noticed later. There are women who don’t have the years… yet I’m really sorry for you!
In a pregnancy it takes approx. 6 months before the abdomen goes back completely. Even in case of a miscarriage it can take several months, but in section it takes about 1-2 months.
There are, of course, also women in whom you don’t even look at that they are pregnant because the abdomen becomes only slightly larger.
Thank you!
You don’t have a belly before the 7th week. The embryo is a few millimeters tall.
One can know in which ssw one was in which one calculates from the first day of the period. In & before 7. Ssw the uterus has not grown far above the pubic bone, which means your belly has become thicker because of other things.
No the doctor said it definitely comes from
The one with the 7ssw was just my guess because I hadn’t had my days for a very long time or already irregularly and it can’t be calculated exactly
This can be accurately calculated on the basis of the size of the embryo SEHR.
You get a belly only in the 4th / 5th MONAT.
If you had a natural miscarriage then the embryo may not have been very large. Where’s a belly coming from?
If you have increased, it wasn’t due to pregnancy.
But the doctor said that.
How does he want to know what your weight gain comes from?
In the early stage you weigh only more when you eat too much and increase fat