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1 year ago

The pregnancy test can be positive for a while after the miscarriage.

Depends on how far pregnancy has already been advanced.

However, the HCG values are deeper than intact pregnancy.

Sometimes the pregnancy test is negative even though the embryo is still in the abdomen.

A fetus can also be dead for days until it is recognized in a control that it no longer lives.

1 year ago

I had two “fairborns.”
In the 10. Week was not a heartbeat. I don’t think he stopped, but he was never there.
Nevertheless, the pregnancy tests were positive. I was pregnant anyway, even if it wasn’t an intact pregnancy.

1 year ago

After a miscarriage, a pregnancy test can be positive for 2 months. This, of course, has nothing to do with whether the woman knows about the miscarriage or not.

1 year ago

a miscarriage has, but nothing yet knows

This is bullshit, there are bleedings that can be partly strong, tissue parts come out and also severe pain, depending on how far the pregnancy was advanced.

It’s impossible to remember or not to know.

And it can be that the test is still positive because HCG is still in the body.

1 year ago
Reply to  TorDerSchatten

Not every miscarriage is noticed or perceived as miscarriage for a long time. A miscarriage does not necessarily have to be associated with severe pain.

1 year ago

If there is a pregnancy, hCG is formed which proves such a test.

1 year ago

The SST cannot be influenced by thoughts or wishes.

Yes, even before miscarriages, the SST is positive.

1 year ago

The woman notices a miscarriage. 100%.

1 year ago

If you have a miscarriage, you’re not pregnant.

the test shows positive if the embryo would die in the womb