Fehlerhafte Rechnung bezahlen?

Wir haben eine Rechnung erhalten, die 7 falsche Positionen aufweist. Das Unternehmen erklärt, das sei ein Systemfehler. Wir würden den Betrag schuldig sein. Sie könnten das nicht korrigieren. Der Betrag sei ein Rückstand. Wir sind uns einig, dass die aufgeführten Positionen 1-7 falsch sind. Sie werden nicht geschuldet.

Müssen wir auf die falsche Rechnung zahlen? Wir bitten um korrekte Rechnung, erhalten die Antwort, der Systemfehler ist nicht korrigierbar, aber der Betrag sei ein noch offener Rückstand.

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1 year ago

The bill is wrong. (score) Wrong bills are not paid.

Why and why this happened is the issue of the accounting officer. Actually, he should be totally embarrassed and an apology would be due.

No one can write and send arbitrary invoices. And do not even press for payment of such invoices.

Write a letter in which it says that you contest the invoice No. XYZ (or ask for correction) and that you do not need to pay. You pay only correct invoices. It’s best to give you this bill to the letter. “For our discharge, we shall add the relevant invoice to this letter.” Then the ball is back in the field. It is intended to provide proof of performance (e.g. delivery documents/orders etc.) which authorise these invoice items.

1 year ago
Reply to  Viola787

What are you doing in a book review? You’re in devil’s kitchen.
Theoretically, they can still demand the rent. There is no payment for rent, but only for laundry packages.

1 year ago
Reply to  Viola787

Consistently return. Or they should issue a receipt about this sum and write “money payment”. You don’t care how they book it internally. You have a payment against receipt and not on account.

1 year ago

Of course, you don’t have to pay the unpaid posts. Pays only what was agreed. Or at first nothing, because the bill is just wrong.

If the company is unable to cancel or cancel incorrect invoices to correct this is the problem of the company – and not yours.

1 year ago

If there is no correct / comprehensible accounting, you can refuse their payment.