Fehler Nockenwellensensor, Steuerkette defekt?
Guten Morgen Ihr Lieben, ich habe mal wieder eine Frage. Ich fahre einen Renault Trafic, 2,0l, Diesel, 84 KW, der seit geraumer Zeit den Fehler Nockenwellensensor ausspuckt. Dieser Fehler lässt sich nicht löschen, bzw. ist mit Starten des Motors wieder da. NWS und KWS wurden bereits mehrfach getauscht, Kabel wurden gemessen. Alles in Ordnung! Der Wagen hat keinen Leistungsverlust, startet gut ( seit Tausch des NWS, vorher startete er schlecht) und es gibt keine ungewöhnlichen Geräusche. ( würde die Lampe nicht leuchten, würde ich nichts merken). KML liegt bei 315.000. Könnte es die Kette sein? Einige sagen ja, andere nein. Ich bin total überfordert, da ein Kettenwechsel um die 2000€ kosten soll. Wer kennt dieses Phänomen vielleicht schon?
In running performance, this can be the control chain, possibly also the MSG. Precise diagnosis is difficult.
Okay, thanks for the assessment
Since a control chain bark is not so clearly heard in a diesel, I think it is likely that the engine has one.
tja, he’s not present. from me want a 300€, only for testing
The experienced screwdriver knows how it can at least check the surface with a long screwdriver.
Joa, if that was so easy, definitely 😀
Then you should check it out more
Yes, he did
So the control chain isn’t a small thing, and you don’t exchange it for suspicion.
If the chain tensioner or the track is defective, you hear that.
The camshaft sensor is easy to exchange. Were the old really broken?
It can be quite an electrical problem somewhere that is even likely if the same error still occurs.
3 different NWS were installed, including an original of Renault. Three times. Error remains:(Yes, exactly. the chain is just a suspicion. The car doesn’t make any problems. The friend thinks that the error always comes back immediately because the measurement is not right from the beginning. A well-known and screwdriver (the only one that doesn’t get out of chain) means to send the control unit in.
In principle, it is possible, as a lengthened chain (not unusual at 315Mm) shifts the relative position of KW and NW, I don’t know myself with the concrete motor, but if the diagnosis is sensitive, it can strike.
Was a brand camshaft sensor installed or one from the low price segment from the Internet?
3 different NWS were installed, including an original of Renault. Three times. Now one of Bosch’s in