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1 year ago

Hello Juxa,

on the one hand, it could be the autumn mouses, which is quite normal and the feathers then grow very slowly again after and/or dito in spring or:


With us on the farm the chickens lived free. They could e.g. in the crap, looking for beetles, worms, etc., but also absorb div. small stones, which these need for your stomach (magnium) for evaporation. Apply so div. minerals and trace elements, as the farm was shotted. Coming fresh water, wheat, steamed potatoes with Schrot and mussel lime. Everything was available for the chickens and could serve themselves according to pleasure and mood.

I hope I could help you



1 year ago

There are various reasons.

Mauser, this is quite normal, but then soon feathers should grow up, I mean to see feathers on the picture.

Parasites and/or pick other chickens, where the back would be redded and perhaps even bloody.

Active rooster that bends the feathers or tears out, for example, you can pick up more hens or buy a pedal in exceptions.