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1 year ago

It is generally recommended to drink water, vegetable broths, teas, fruits, as well as vegetable juices during fasting, but not coffee. Because coffee is potentially sour and can thus strain your body in this time. If you’re shortening coffee during fasting, your body will benefit from it.

1 year ago

Coffee removes water from the body and should really only be drunk to measure. This is not good and can lead to dehydration. Coffee doesn’t give you any energy that is just the caffeine that might make you more powerful in the short term, in the sense that you can focus better. But not more powerful in the sense that your body has something he can convert and what he can work with.

Too much caffeine also leads to the exact opposite, that you are so screwed up that you can’t concentrate anymore.

And sport without eating likewise does not create the body. Water is generally more important than food, but 20 days is too much. This is only good without sport and a smaller period.

1 year ago

You should only fast under the guidance of a doctor. He tells you what to drink and gives instructions. You shouldn’t do that on your own.

1 year ago

Be careful about a good calorie deficiency.

Nothing to eat is not a solution.